positive feedback

positive feedback [ˈpɔzitiv ˈfi:dbæk]  [ˈpɑzɪtɪv ˈfidˌbæk] 

positive feedback 基本解释



positive feedback 网络解释

positive feedback什么意思

1. 正反馈:有负反馈 负反馈 (negative feedback)和正反馈 正反馈(positive feedback)两种方式. 正反馈 8.3 神经系统的感觉功能 [目的与要求 目的与要求] 目的与要求 掌握: 掌握: 感受器的一般生理特性 熟悉 感觉的传入通路 了解 1.感受器的分类 2.鱼类的视觉,

2. 正回馈:换言之,族群数量太少及基因变异减少交互影响,会走向灭绝旋涡(extinctionvortex),正回馈(positive feedback)循环使族群数量越漩越少,最终走向灭绝. 对繁殖潜力高的生物而言,并不会因低遗传变异性而毁灭,如多种杂草. 但对繁殖潜力低的生物而言,

3. 反馈:反馈包括积极反馈(positive feedback)和消极反馈(negative feedback). 传统的外语课堂中,教师对学习者错误的纠正并不严谨,甚至教师多次纠正也不起什么作用. 这是因为教师对何时纠错、如何纠错考虑的不够,往往出现时机和方法不当的情况.

positive feedback 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Motivate yourself by celebrating your successes and by getting positive feedback from supportive family and friends.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The brain is unfortunately not adequately aware that the positive feedback is not a direct result of nicotine being inhaled.

3. We expect extremely positive feedback and enhanced commercial and cultural relations between the two countries as an outcome of this special celebration.

4. Map World users gave positive feedback after trying the service on Thursday.

5. positive feedback的翻译

5. Though property developers bet on the Dragon Boat Festival to boost sales, they failed to get a positive feedback.

6. positive feedback的反义词

6. Cappo believes both the quality and quantity of shows will increase rapidly, as good service and positive customer feedback will bring in repeat audiences.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. Horlock said the company recently rated China as a priority market and the feedback it received at the exhibition fair has been overwhelmingly positive.

8. positive feedback的翻译

8. Wang said his previous suggestions have received " positive " feedback from relevant government departments and he hopes the suggestion will really make a difference this year.

9. The inspection team gave positive feedback on the progress and hoped all work finished on time.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. The US firm flew Xiao Wang to Shanghai for the main interview and the feedback was positive.

positive feedback 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. feedback in phase with (augmenting) the input

    Synonym: regeneration