
poster [ˈpəʊstə(r)]  [ˈpoʊstə(r)] 



poster 基本解释


名词招贴画; 海报,招贴,公告; 张贴者; [古语]急行的人,匆忙赶路的人

poster 相关例句


1. They put up posters all round the town advertising the circus.

poster 网络解释

1. 招贴画:这一阶段中的广告形式,以招贴画(poster)和路牌广告(roadboard)为主. 广告设计多是由画家兼任的,几乎没有专业的广告设计师. 英国著名插画家奥布里.比尔兹利(AnberyBeardsley),法国著名画家亨利图户兹-劳特里克等人都曾画过大量招贴画及海报.

2. 海报,招贴:品牌形象视觉识别系统(VIS)设计品牌标志(Logo)设计形象/产品画册(Catalog)设计海报招贴(poster)设计期刊(periodical)设计产品包装(packing)设计(商业包装,茶叶包装,月饼包装,调料包装,化妆品包装,食品包装,药品包装,

3. 招贴,海报:(2)要求:请向本单元会场投稿的论文作者注明是否愿意在会上做15分钟的报告,如能用英文交流也请注明,会议将择优安排大会发言;如不被安排大会发言,作者请自行将论文制作在一张(A1图纸幅面)招贴海报(poster)上,会议将安排在指定位置张贴,

poster 词典解释

1. poster在线翻译

1. 大幅广告;海报;招贴画
    A poster is a large notice or picture that you stick on a wall or board, often in order to advertise something.

poster 单语例句

1. Hundreds of students responded to the call by signing their names on a poster.

2. The sidewalk was covered with melted candle wax, and roses were placed at the foot of a poster of Arafat.

3. poster是什么意思

3. " It is me, " Zhang pointed at the centre figure on the poster.

4. poster的反义词

4. Activists from the World Wildlife Fund create a poster outlining climate woes and cures at the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 in Copenhagen on Friday.

5. I dialed the number the poster left in the letter and talked with the patient's doctor over phone to verify the claim.

6. Whenever a blockbuster makes headlines, one can expect the Fatty edition of the poster to follow close on its heels.

7. Yet you can rest assured that had he come through Tulsa Airport, he would have taken note of the poster stretching across the arrivals hall.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The poster attracted tremendous attention, as it is illegal to publicly seek a concubine in China.

9. One of the most controversial voices in the global warming debate believes too much emphasis is put on extinction fears for ecology's poster animals.

10. It dismissed further complaints that the " orgy " poster condoned underage sex and that the images would encourage children to copy the behavior.

poster 英英释义



1. a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers

    Synonym: post horse post-horse

2. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement

    e.g. a poster advertised the coming attractions

    Synonym: posting placard notice bill card

3. someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards

    Synonym: bill poster bill sticker