
postman [ˈpəʊstmən]  [ˈpoʊstmən]


postman 基本解释


postman 网络解释


1. 邮差:有网友举了一个关于电影<<邮差>>(postman)的例子:网络世界里,每个人都是邮差,他们自己制造,自己传递,因而使思想得以交流,信息得以畅通,信息的真假并不重要,因为总有邮差会把最新的情况传过来,人们最终总能得到真实的信息,

2. 邮递员:英国康沃尔郡的杰弗里斯拍卖行拍卖师伊恩.莫......阿道夫.希特勒绘于1924年的画作<<邮递员>>(Postman)本周在英国康沃尔拍出了5200英镑. 作为一件艺术品,这带着些讽刺肖像画技法的作品是阿道夫.希特勒年轻时游荡于慕尼黑无所事事时的消磨时光之作.

3. 邮件助手:PitBull 头像增强 | Postman 邮件助手 | Quartz 模块化施法条

4. 投递员:man:policeman 警察; | postman 投递员; | Frenchman 法国人.

postman 词典解释

1. 邮差;邮递员
    A postman is a man whose job is to collect and deliver letters and packages that are sent by post.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 mailman
postman 单语例句

1. " The weary and all forspent twopenny postman sinks beneath a load of delicate embarrassments, " he wrote in 1819.

2. postman的翻译

2. But this was all in a day's work for his dad, for Wang is a postman.

3. The postman says he now goes to see them regularly, as well as buys their vegetables and other living necessaries.

4. postman是什么意思

4. Wang's father was also a postman and worked on the mail routes for 24 years.

5. In some isolated locations he has the postman deliver products through the mail.

6. But to postman Andrew Goater, she is a vicious beast out for his blood.

7. postman的翻译

7. Without hesitation, the postman drove his van after the two robbers.

postman 英英释义


1. postman

1. a man who delivers the mail

    Synonym: mailman mail carrier letter carrier carrier