
posturing [ˈpɒstʃərɪŋ]  [ˈpɑ:stʃərɪŋ] 








posturing 基本解释
做出某种姿势( posture的现在分词 );
posturing 网络解释


1. 故作姿态:scenario:剧情;剧本 | posturing:故作姿态 | chest thumping:高昂胸膛

2. 裝模作樣、故作姿態:scrape 擦、刮、削 | posturing 裝模作樣、故作姿態 | leftover 剩餘的、殘餘的

posturing 单语例句

1. His depiction of calf love strikes me as more posturing than sincere or interesting.

2. The massive sums come after a week of political posturing and soothing words by euro zone leaders that had no impact on global investors.

3. posturing

3. Chan criticized the central government for having handled the issue of constitutional development with " public rhetoric and posturing reminiscent of the'cultural revolution'".

4. At some point the realization must dawn that diplomacy rather than posturing and fulmination offers the only path to real security.

5. The comments of CIC and SAFE should not be taken as posturing, but as an affirmation that both organizations will act accordingly.

6. They find the traditional stories charming, the energy contagious and the posturing alternately dramatic or hilarious.

7. Surely the diplomatic cooperation of police forces in the interest of obtaining justice for the victim is more important than legal or political posturing.

8. Instead of putting blind trust in such shows of " democracy ", we hear angry calls for probes into those responsible for such bureaucratic posturing.

9. Japan is just posturing for internal political reasons, just like TW's leadership was posturing to appease certain groups in their base.

10. And that is what leaves a nasty taste in the mouth when all the shouting and posturing is over.

posturing 英英释义



1. adopting a vain conceited posture