


potions 基本解释
饮料( potion的名词复数 );
potions 网络解释


1. 藥劑:沿着地下通道前进,一直走,最后见到门. 用钥匙打开门,这里是传送室(teleporter room). 回到院子里. 从斜坡向右. 杀死顶上的怪物. 向东走. 爬上斜坡. 杀死怪物. 得到皮甲(leather breast plate)和药剂(potions). 离开城堡.

2. 魔药学:10魔药学(Potions)本科要求学生学习各种魔药材料的特性与应用、各种魔药的调配方法与技巧、调配魔药的工具研究,以及调配魔药时的守则等等. 11古代魔文(Ancient Runes)本科于书中並无详细介绍,但从科名及考试內容可以知道,

3. 藥水:玩家可以像购买药水(potions)、指环(rings)一样向Arcanists和Traders购买卷轴,而每个都有独特而强大的魔法力量,包括召唤、治愈、或者进行攻击等. 相对地,卷轴的价值越高,魔法威力则越大. 人工制品(Artifact)的强大魔力将会作为玩家在战斗中决定性的力量,

potions 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Albino hunters kill their victims and harvest their blood and body parts such as hair, genitals and limbs for potions.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. In the old days when quacks sold their potions at flea markets, they literally put up notices that emphasized the " one hundred illnesses " they could heal.

3. Here, the plaque doesn't offer any magic potions or plastic surgery advice about aging.

4. Even local delicacies and handicrafts that are found in Ningbo are used as the various props and magic potions in the game.