
pow [paʊ] [pau] 

pow 基本解释



pow 网络解释

1. 低压大功率开关设备:CQC通过与国内18个CB实验室合作,能够对电线电缆(CABL)、作为元器件的电容器(CAP)、器具开关及家用自动控制器(CONT)、家用和类似用途设备(HOUS)、安装附件及连接器件(INST)、照明设备(LITE)、信息技术和办公电气设备(OFF)、低压大功率开关设备(POW)、安装保护装置(P

2. 电源:[使用方法]1打开电源(POW)调节到(NO),三秒钟后本机发出提示音. 2感应度与节能振动调节,本机正上方(MLS)按钮

3. 次方:以 i 的平方来说, 是不可以写作i^2的, 在Java的语法中, 应使用Math类别, Math类别为Java处理数值运算最主要的类别,里面有许多关於数值的运算方法,例如绝对值(abs)及次方(pow)等方法.

4. pow:part on warranty; 零件保修

pow 词典解释

1. 同 prisoner of war
    A POW is the same as a prisoner of war .

pow 单语例句

1. Fifth, the United States has been worried that Saddam's POW status would cause a chain reaction.

2. But international law experts say denying the Taliban POW status effectively means there is no distinction in how the groups should be treated.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. In sum, the US declaration of Saddam's POW status is primarily a political gesture.

4. The CIA believes that it would not gain a bit of information from Saddam if he was confirmed as a POW.

5. Amnesty International wants Saddam to have POW status and visits from the international Red Cross, according to AP.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Amnesty International said Saddam should be given POW status and allowed visits by the international Red Cross.

7. pow的翻译

7. " Don't ever forget what happened in the POW camps, " Weaver said.

8. The Chinese army command also had rice, flour and meat sent to the POW camp to improve the meals.

9. The United States gave Saddam POW status last month, throwing some doubt over his fate after the handover.

10. After a short time in Tokyo, each POW will travel to a city of his choice.

pow 英英释义


1. a person who surrenders to (or is taken by) the enemy in time of war

    Synonym: prisoner of war