
pox [pɒks]  [pɑ:ks] 

pox 基本解释

名词痘; 疹; 瘟疫; 发疹的疾病

pox 相关例句

1. What a pox!

pox 网络解释


1. 痘:投据台湾<<中国时报>>报道,并非羊痘疫区的台湾地区,却爆发有史以来第一起羊痘(POX)集体感染疫情. 桃园两家养羊场证实集体感染羊痘,其中一场还是观光型农场,染病的210头羊只已全部扑杀. 当地防疫人员忧心,羊痘疫情若未及时控制,

2. 过氧化物酶染色:尚需鞘内注射甲氨蝶呤(MTX)预防或治疗中枢神经系统白血病. 1.患者男性21岁,主诉发烧,鼻衄十天,体检,胸骨下1/3压痛,骨髓检查:原始细胞95%,过氧化物酶染色(POX)阳性,染色体检查未见异常核型,选哪种治疗方案最佳?

3. 天花:powdered extract 粉剂浸膏 | pox 天花 | practitioner 行医

4. 个人、他人与事物:PB?英国药典 | POX个人、他人与事物 | QcorrelationQ相关

5. pox:partial oxidation; 部分氧化

pox 词典解释

1. 梅毒
    People sometimes refer to the disease syphilis as the pox .

pox 单语例句

1. pox是什么意思

1. The students were trying to avoid catching chicken pox, which some students had developed.

2. People who receive this vaccine will develop chicken pox with less fever and no scar, and they will recover in a quickly manner.

3. The Spaniard missed five months last year with chicken pox and wrist and rib injuries and fell in the rankings.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The only top 20 men's player absent is French Open champion Juan Carlos Ferrero, sidelined by chicken pox.

5. Chinese medicine practitioner with Beijing University of Chinese Medicine Hu said traditional Chinese medicine cannot prevent chicken pox.

pox 英英释义


1. a contagious disease characterized by purulent skin eruptions that may leave pock marks

2. pox

2. a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete
    symptoms change through progressive stages
    can be congenital (transmitted through the placenta)

    Synonym: syphilis syph lues venerea lues