






praising 基本解释
赞美;颂扬;称赞( praise的现在分词 );崇拜;
praising 网络解释

1. 溢美之词:42:Wish good luck in sports赛场风云 | 43:Praising溢美之词 | 44:When somebody asks you stupid questions玩世不恭

2. 赞美:Unit 13 惊奇 Surprise(26) | Unit 14 赞美 Praising(28) | Unit 15 祝贺 Congratulations(30)

3. 赞扬的:critical 批判的 | praising 赞扬的 | optimistic 乐观的

praising 单语例句

1. One of them composed a poem to celebrate the day, praising him and asking the gods to let him outlive the mountains and rivers.

2. He was called " Japan's offensive minister " in a New York Times editorial in 2006 for praising aspects of the country's past colonialism.

3. Encouraging and praising suicide and helping people to commit suicide is tantamount to murder, they said.

4. Apart from this, nobody is praising his adolescent schmaltz for literary achievement.

5. praising的翻译

5. Free health advice is often dished out during the kneading, mostly praising the benefits of the oil massages.

6. Shanghai theater critics have lauded the premiere of The Eternal Snow Beauty, praising it for reviving the tradition of Shanghai dialect theater.

7. praising

7. Facing disease and death every day, literature was a way of facing life and praising it for Chi.

8. An Alabama state legislator introduced a House resolution praising her for speaking out against gay marriage.

9. praising是什么意思

9. It offers tips such as praising children or preparing a meal with them to get rid of their sense of alienation from their parents.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. She applauded Zheng's gutsy effort, praising her tenacity on the big shots.

praising 英英释义


1. praising的意思

1. full of or giving praise

    e.g. a laudatory remark

    Synonym: laudatory praiseful