
precipitation [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃn]  [prɪˌsɪpɪˈteʃən] 


precipitation 基本解释


名词沉淀; 匆促; (雨等)降落; 某地区降雨等的量

precipitation 相关例句


1. There will be precipitation on northern hills tonight.

precipitation 网络解释


1. 沉淀:凝集(coagulation)和沉淀(precipitation):原水也含悬浮物质(如油),必须将之去除(至1ppm以下)以防止起泡及锅炉沉积. 极小的颗粒不会沉降下来,且会穿透过滤器. 要除去这些微细颗粒(通常为胶体(colloidal)物质)须用凝集剂.

2. 沉淀反应:沉淀反应 (precipitation)一种血清学反应. 可溶性抗原与相应抗体结合,在有适量电介质存在下,经过一定时间,形成肉眼可见的沉淀物. 沉淀反应的抗原可以是多糖、蛋白质、类脂等. 同相应抗体比较,抗原的分子小,单位体积内含有的抗原量多,

precipitation 词典解释

1. 降水
    Precipitation is rain, snow, or hail.

2. 沉淀;沉析
    Precipitation is a process in a chemical reaction which causes solid particles to become separated from a liquid.

precipitation 单语例句

1. The weather forecast said Beijing will be clear from Friday afternoon and no precipitation is expected in the coming two days.

2. precipitation的解释

2. The precipitation caused a mud and rock slide that closed Highway 18, a major road in the area.

3. precipitation的解释

3. Several counties in the cities of Baise and Hezhou have received little precipitation recently, the Guangxi Flood Control and Drought Relief Command Center said.


4. He later used computer programs to convert each sound recording into a sound graph, then compared the patterns to a database of temperature and precipitation records.

5. Seventy percent of its annual precipitation occurs within crop growing seasons, in which the concurrence of rain and heat provides an excellent environment for grain production.

6. precipitation的反义词

6. Local meteorologists said that in the county seat precipitation topped 68 mm, while other townships in Dianjiang recorded averaged rainfall of more than 30 mm.

7. Data from Beijing Meteorological Bureau show that urban areas in the municipality were inundated by 170 millimeters of precipitation during the deluge.

8. Its annual precipitation is less than 400 mm but the drip irrigation technique used in the greenhouses requires less water.

9. China's common catalysts used for cloud seeding in precipitation enhancement include silver iodide, dry ice and liquid nitrogen.

10. The precipitation helped ease the drought in some areas of north China, with more rainfall expected in the next two weeks.

precipitation 英英释义




1. overly eager speed (and possible carelessness)

    e.g. he soon regretted his haste

    Synonym: haste hastiness hurry hurriedness

2. an unexpected acceleration or hastening

    e.g. he is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise

3. precipitation的反义词

3. the act of casting down or falling headlong from a height

4. the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)

    Synonym: downfall

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. the process of forming a chemical precipitate

6. precipitation

6. the quantity of water falling to earth at a specific place within a specified period of time

    e.g. the storm brought several inches of precipitation