
prefect [ˈpri:fekt]  [ˈpriˌfɛkt] 


prefect 基本解释


名词地方行政长官; 警察局长; 教务长,院长

prefect 网络解释


1. 长官:地方行政长官(Prefect)在国家的96个行政区(departments)内代表中央政府. 地方政权--主要是自治区(municipalities)、行政区(departments)(和其它国家的省份相当)和地区(regions)的责任主要在最基本的层面上,如公路和环境的保护,

2. 领袖生:校纪律领袖生联会,英文为Salesian School Prefects' Association,隶属於训育组,以首席校纪律领袖生(Head Prefects)为会长,为管理学校纪律及校纪律领袖生(Prefect)的组织.

3. 级长:火弩箭 Firebolt | 级长 Prefect | 魔杖 Wand

4. 班长;监督生;长官:特殊学校||special school | 班长;监督生;长官||prefect | 班级组织||class organization

prefect 词典解释

1. (尤指英国学校的)级长(协助管理低年级学生的高年级学生)
    In some schools, especially in Britain, a prefect is an older pupil who does special duties and helps the teachers to control the younger pupils.

2. 地方行政长官;地方政府部门领导
    In some countries, a prefect is the head of the local government administration or of a local government department.

    e.g. ...the prefect of the city.
    e.g. ...the police prefect for the district of Mehedinti.

prefect 单语例句

1. prefect的解释

1. An example of progress was the election of a deputy prefect, the top local administrative post in the former rebel hotbed of Fallujah.

2. When he grew up, he served as the prefect of Wei county.

3. prefect的翻译

3. A teacher and a prefect at the college alerted police in April after noticing the pupil behaving suspiciously.

4. The prefect or state official for a department will however have the final word on granting stars.

5. prefect的翻译

5. The prefect's office said that 110 people had been taken to hospitals, and that five were in serious condition.

6. prefect的近义词

6. Gao was delighted that she and Zheng had hit back to give China the prefect start.

7. He was appointed to several official positions, including that of prefect of Fengyi.

8. The school will not open until November 16, the prefect said.

9. prefect

9. Rome prefect Achille Serra said the fans were stabbed in either the groin or backside during clashes with Roma supporters Wednesday.

prefect 英英释义


1. a chief officer or chief magistrate

    e.g. the prefect of Paris police