press down

press down [pres daun]  [prɛs daʊn] 

press down 基本解释
press down 网络解释


1. 压:press cutting 剪报 | press down 压 | press for 迫切要求

2. 按住:No|不 | Press down!|按住! | Press down with your hand!|用手按住

3. 向下壓:向下推 push down | 向下壓 press down | 後轉身 rear pivot; reverse pivot

4. 逼迫;press for 迫切要求:press 按,压;新闻界,出版社 | press down 逼迫;press for 迫切要求 | squeeze 挤,榨,压

press down 单语例句

1. Place each cabbage ball into the pickling jar and press down to express all trapped air.

2. With tip of handle of wooden spoon, press dough down in center of each cup to make room for 2 tablespoons filling.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. Place the duck on a large chopping board and press down hard with your hands, breaking the bones.

4. press down的意思

4. " Congress did come down to the president's overall top line, " White House press secretary Dana Perino said.

5. Press down between the little piles of filling to form squares and cut with a crinkle cutter.

6. Press the straw down where you want the hole to be and give the straw a little turn to release the soft dough.

7. Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell did not elaborate on the findings but appeared to play down the likelihood of any major revelations.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The China Feather & Down Industrial Association told a press conference the report " distorted the facts ".

9. Use a fork to press the edges down, and brush the top of the rings with beaten egg.

10. " They even go down on their knees to beg for help, " he told a press briefing yesterday.

press down 英英释义

press down的意思


1. press down

1. press down

    e.g. Depress the space key

    Synonym: depress