
previously ['pri:vɪəslɪ]  [ˈprivɪəslɪ] 

比较级:more previously


最高级:most previously

previously 基本解释


副词以前; 事先; 仓促; “previous”的派生

previously 相关例句



1. I remember seeing him somewhere previously.

2. They had officially retired ten years previously.

previously 网络解释

1. 在以前:pressesctoexit 敲键退出 | previously 在以前 | printall 全部打印

2. 以前:previously designated 预先指定的 | previously 以前 | previously 在前

3. 在前:previously 以前 | previously 在前 | prewar 战前

4. 先前:previous 前一个 | previously 先前 | previse 预知

previously 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 先前;以前
    Previously means at some time before the period that you are talking about.

    e.g. Guyana's railways were previously owned by private companies...
    e.g. The contract was awarded to a previously unknown company...

2. (一段时间)以前
    You can use previously to say how much earlier one event was than another event.

    e.g. He had first entered the House 12 years previously...
    e.g. She had rented the flat from the council some fourteen months previously.

If you are talking about a period measured back from some earlier time, you use before or previously. He had died a month before…She had rented the flat some fourteen months previously. You only use ago when you are talking about a period of time measured back from the present. You use for to say how long a period lasts in the past, present, or future, or how much time passes without something happening. She slept for eight hours… He will be away for three weeks… I hadn't seen him for four years. You use since to say when a period of time started. She has been with the group since it began. …the first civilian president since the coup 17 years ago. You also use since to refer to the last time that something happened, or to how much time passes without something happening. She hadn't eaten since breakfast… It was a long time since she had been to church.
如果谈论过去某个时间以前的时间,用 before 或者 previously:He had died a month before(他一个月前去世了),She had rented the flat some fourteen months previously(她大约14个月以前租下了这套公寓)。ago仅用于谈论现在之前的某段时间。for用来表示过去、现在或将来持续的一段时间或者某事多长时间没有发生,如:She slept for eight hours(她睡了8个小时),He will be away for three weeks(他会离开3个星期),I hadn't seen him for four years(我已经有4年没有见过他了)。since用来表示某段时间的开始,如:She has been with the group since it began(自从该集团创立起她就一直在其中工作),the first civilian president since the coup 17 years ago(自从17年前发生政变以来的第一位平民总统),since也可以用来某事最后一次发生的时间或者某事多长时间没有发生,如:She hadn't eaten since breakfast(她早餐以后就没吃过东西),It was a long time since she had been to church(她好久没去过教堂了)。
previously 单语例句

1. previously的反义词

1. The firm manager said advanced notice would help the business prepare future rosters after being caught out previously.

2. Two other students'business streets and a business practice base in China have previously failed.

3. Hong Kong police have arrested three men for suspected involvement in a " Ponzi " scheme that had previously been busted on the mainland.

4. Microsoft also said Thursday that it expects to accelerate a previously announced plan to buy back around $ 30 billion in company stock.

5. He previously told the Times that he would not waive that salary, forcing the Bulls to buy out the final year.

6. previously的反义词

6. The record was previously held by another Maine Coon that measured 48 inches.

7. He was previously warned by luxury market insiders that Chinese people can't afford expensive products and have little knowledge of such goods.

8. previously的意思

8. The previously unknown group Armed Struggle Cells has claimed it has a British " captive " although it did not mention Mr Mann by name.

9. Lindsay has previously spoken about her struggle to find quality acting roles following a difficult year which included yet another stint in rehab.

10. previously的反义词

10. Halle has previously admitted she is desperate to have a baby by the time she turns 40 - which is next month.

previously 英英释义



1. previously在线翻译

1. at an earlier time or formerly

    e.g. she had previously lived in Chicago
           he was previously president of a bank
           better than anything previously proposed
           a previously unquestioned attitude
           antecedently arranged

    Synonym: antecedently