price index

price index [prais ˈindeks]  [praɪs ˈɪnˌdɛks] 

price index 基本解释

price index


price index 网络解释

1. 物价指数:因此又为新一轮要求增加工资埋下种子. 第四种理论是经济结构论,它重视经济中的结构失调,比如在发展中国家当进口的增长快于出口时,会使这些国家货币的国际价值下跌并造成国内物价上涨. 参阅通货紧缩(deflation)和物价指数(price index).

2. 价格指数:因为,我巧妙地对为西方古典经济学最早设计出价格指数(price index)并以考察经济趋势(economic trends)见长的美国经济学家欧文.费歇尔(Irving Fisher,1867-1947)的经典增长函数进行了结合当代经济目标的改造,引入了对增长指数的一种对数运算观察曲线,

3. 价格指:price analysis 价格分析 | price index 价格指 | prim al solution 原始解

4. 价格索引:package deal 整批交易, 笼统交易 | price index 价格索引 | pickup in capital spending 资金投放增加

price index 单语例句


1. But in the calculation of the Consumer Price Index, food accounts for only 34 percent.

2. Many fields attracted huge sums of capital but were excluded in the calculation of the consumer price index.

3. price index在线翻译

3. The NBS will release the country's property price index on Friday, the first time it will incorporate a revised method of calculation.

4. A housing bubble index is calculated by dividing the base price with the actual price.

5. The compilation of the index had introduced the internationally accepted pull chain price index theory and method.

6. price index什么意思

6. The monthly chart showing the combined behavior of the US Dollar Index and the copper price reveals some interesting relationships.

7. The principal of such securities is adjusted to the consumer price index, a common gauge of inflation.

8. Goldman Sachs also adjusted its anticipations of consumer price index following lowering its anticipation of China's economic growth the day before yesterday.

9. The latter is adjusted on the first day of February yearly according to movement in the Composite Consumer Price Index in the previous year.

10. price index的翻译

10. Export prices rose for a sixth month to a record in February, according to the ANZ Commodity Price Index.

price index 英英释义


1. an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time

    Synonym: price level