price reduction

price reduction [prais riˈdʌkʃən]  [praɪs rɪˈdʌkʃən] 

price reduction 基本解释
price reduction 网络解释


1. 减价:price quotation 报价 | price reduction 减价 | pricing 计价

2. 降低价格:231)on condition that 以......为条件 | 232)price reduction 降低价格 | 234)performance 设备性能

3. 要求降价:Unit 17 抱怨价格过高 Complaining about High Price(34) | Unit 18 要求降价 Price Reduction(36) | Unit 19 讨价还价 Bargaining(38)

4. 削价:price record => 价格登记 | price reduction => 削价 | price relations => 比价

price reduction 单语例句

1. price reduction什么意思

1. Due to the coal price reduction and strict cost control programs, the company was able to make an interim profit despite a slump in revenues.

2. He added the price reduction will lower cost and boost profits to companies like China Shipping Haisheng and SAIC Motor.

3. The sources ascribed the import reduction to narrowed gap between supply and demand at home and price hikes on world grain markets.

4. Dealers in Beijing are not alone, as counterparts in other provinces send the same message of price reduction.

5. Driving schools in Shanghai are much in demand following a reduction in the price of licenses.

6. Its soaring price caused a reduction in the number of deals, which in turn led to a decline in turnover.

7. price reduction

7. Luo of the local security bureau said the goal of that price reduction is to encourage more people to register their dogs.

8. Analysts say the sagging price was the main cause of the production reduction.

9. The size of Master Kong beverage bottles was cut from 500 milliliters to 450 milliliters, with no reduction in price.

10. price reduction的反义词

10. " Acer has no reason to be scared, " said Ahrens in response to the price reduction for Apple Inc's iPad.

price reduction 英英释义




1. the act of reducing the selling price of merchandise

    Synonym: discount deduction