
price [praɪs]  [praɪs] 







price 基本解释

名词代价; 价格,价钱; 价值; 赏金

及物动词定价; 标价; 问…的价格; 给…定价

price 相关词组

1. at a price : 以很高代价;

2. not at any price : 无论如何都不行;

3. above price : 极其珍贵的, 无价之宝的;

4. beyond price : 极其珍贵的, 无价之宝的;

5. make a price : 开价, 定价;

6. at any price : 无论如何;

7. without price : 极其珍贵的, 无价之宝的;

price 情景对话


A:(It’s a small price to pay/ I’m willing to do it) to be comfortable.

B:I see.


A:Did the material work out well for you ?

B:Not really .

A:What was wrong?

B:We felt that the price was too high for the quality .


A:Is this your standard price ?

B:Yes ,it is .

A:It seems too high to me.

B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .

price 网络解释


1. 单价:而每一列表示对象的一个属性(如性别这个属性),用户在使用数据库时,绝大多数时间都是在与表打交道. 域:编号(id)自动递增,主索引 书名(book) 作者(author) 单价(price) 进库日期(b_date) 图书简介(intro)

price 词典解释

1. 价格;价钱
    The price of something is the amount of money that you have to pay in order to buy it.

    e.g. ...a sharp increase in the price of petrol...
    e.g. They expected house prices to rise...

2. 代价
    The price that you pay for something that you want is an unpleasant thing that you have to do or suffer in order to get it.

    e.g. Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence...
    e.g. There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce...


3. 把…定价为
    If something is priced at a particular amount, the price is set at that amount.

    e.g. The shares are expected to be priced at about 330p...
    e.g. Digital priced the new line at less than half the cost of comparable mainframes...

It's hard to maintain competitive pricing.

4. see also: retail price index;selling price

The price of goods is the amount of money that the seller is asking people to pay in order to buy them. The price marked on the box was five pounds. When you are referring to services, or to things that you pay to use, you usually talk about a charge or a fee, rather than a price. There is a 50p handling charge for postal bookings. …£400 in unpaid parking fees. The cost of something is the amount of money that you actually pay, or would pay, for it. The total cost of modernising the room came to just £800. See also note at cost.
price 指商品的价格,如:The price marked on the box was five pounds(盒子上标记的价格是 5 英镑)。如果是因为接受服务或使用某物而付的费用,用 charge 或 fee,不用 price,如:There is a 50p handling charge for postal bookings(通过邮局预订收取 50 便士的手续费),£400 in unpaid parking fees(400英镑未付的停车费)。cost指实际或将要支付的钱,如:The total cost of modernising the room came to just £800(这个房间的现代化改造总共才花了800英镑)。

5. 不惜任何代价;不计后果
    If you want something at any price, you are determined to get it, even if unpleasant things happen as a result.

    e.g. If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences...
    e.g. We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.

6. 以极高价格
    If you can buy something that you want at a price, it is for sale, but it is extremely expensive.

    e.g. Most goods are available, but at a price.

7. 以一定代价
    If you get something that you want at a price, you get it but something unpleasant happens as a result.

    e.g. Fame comes at a price...
    e.g. Theismann's precious information came at a price, however.

8. 悬赏缉拿;悬赏刺杀
    If there is a price on someone's head, an amount of money has been offered for the capture or killing of that person.

    e.g. He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.

9. 给…定价
      If you say that you cannot put a price on something, you mean that it is very valuable.

      e.g. You can't put a price on friendship...
      e.g. You can't put a price on the value of the work done by our nurses.

10. (表示强调)…可能吗
      You use what price in front of a word or expression that refers to something happening when you want to ask how likely it is to happen. You usually do this to emphasize either that it is very likely or very unlikely.

      e.g. What price a glorious repeat of last week's triumph?

11. …又有什么用呢
      You use 'at what price ?' to comment on the fact that the consequences of doing something are unpleasant.

      e.g. Yes, they are free of him, but at what price to themselves, their families, those left behind?...
      e.g. What price success!

12. to price yourself out of the market -> see market

price 单语例句

1. price的解释

1. The company's refrigerators and washing machine business in China is also looking gloomy, with fewer models and no price advantages.

2. price

2. Qiang Lei from the Beijing Business Management College was one who opposed any price hike.

3. price

3. Alibaba said the " depressed " share price is also having an " adverse impact " on business, its reputation with customers and employee morale.

4. Many online retailers fail to make a profit despite the high transaction volume, as escalating price wars caused by similar business models cut into profit margins.

5. A recent report by American Express said oil price hikes was one of the main factors hitting business travel.

6. price是什么意思

6. Olympic fever has also hit business travel into and out of Beijing, leading to price cuts on many domestic flights.

7. The price tag may have shocked some applicants, but the decision was in line with the general trend in the nation's business schools.


8. Although Wuliangye said it expected the price rise to affect its business this year, analysts are optimistic about the company's performance in 2010.

9. price在线翻译

9. An extended rally may include some days where there is a strong price retreat but then this is quickly followed by another up day.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. No trader likes to miss buying at his preferred price because he was too slow to click the mouse button.

price 英英释义



1. the high value or worth of something

    e.g. her price is far above rubies

2. the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold)

    e.g. the fluctuating monetary value of gold and silver
           he puts a high price on his services
           he couldn't calculate the cost of the collection

    Synonym: monetary value cost

3. price的近义词

3. value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something

    e.g. the cost in human life was enormous
           the price of success is hard work
           what price glory?

    Synonym: cost toll

4. a monetary reward for helping to catch a criminal

    e.g. the cattle thief has a price on his head

5. the amount of money needed to purchase something

    e.g. the price of gasoline
           he got his new car on excellent terms
           how much is the damage?

    Synonym: terms damage

6. price的翻译

6. cost of bribing someone

    e.g. they say that every politician has a price


1. ascertain or learn the price of

    e.g. Have you priced personal computers lately?

2. price的翻译

2. determine the price of

    e.g. The grocer priced his wares high