
pricy ['praɪsɪ]  [ˈpraɪsi] 

pricy 基本解释


pricy 网络解释


1. 昂贵的,价高的:five - star hotel 五星级宾馆 | pricy 昂贵的,价高的 | popular resort town 很受欢迎的游览胜地(城镇)

2. (口语)昂贵的:Insulation: 绝缘 | Pricy: (口语)昂贵的 | Silica:二氧化硅

3. 昂贵的:entertainment:娱乐 | pricy:昂贵的 | range from .... to...:范围从......到...

pricy 词典解释

1. -> see pricey

pricy 单语例句

1. Even the humble pork can become a pricy rarity when major holidays such the Chinese New Year and National Day are near.

2. pricy什么意思

2. Take a pricy fish that was not touched at all by the restaurant customer.

3. pricy

3. Each person attending received cash plus two packs of pricy cigarettes as a gift.

4. Shanghai's pricy livelihood leads to relatively high profits on rental fees for property investors.

pricy 英英释义



1. having a high price

    e.g. costly jewelry
           high-priced merchandise
           much too dear for my pocketbook
           a pricey restaurant

    Synonym: costly dear(p) high-priced pricey