
proclaim [prəˈkleɪm]  [proˈklem, prə-] 






proclaim 基本解释

及物动词表明; 宣告,公布; 赞扬,称颂

proclaim 相关例句



1. The Government proclaimed a state of emergency.

2. His accent proclaimed him a southerner.

3. There was a feather on the rock, proclaiming that a bird had been there.

4. The ringing bells proclaimed the news of the birth of the prince.

5. They proclaimed that he was a traitor.

proclaim 网络解释

1. 宣布:最后沙同学宣布(proclaim)要剪头发,并作了首<<葬发辞>>纪念自已的头发,在大家面前朗诵(declaim)---头皮头屑飞满天,发削丝断有谁怜,柔丝软系飘春树,落屑轻沾扑绣帘.

2. 宣告:讲台是主基督设立的,用来宣告(proclaim)教会元首主耶稣的旨意和上帝全备的计划(whole counsel of God). 教牧不宜为讨人喜欢而迎合潮流,急欲教会增长等目的而以专题论述,心理医治,大量的故事代替了系统、仔细的解经讲题. 举目望田,

3. 声明:2) disclaim否认 | 3) proclaim声明 | 4) exclaim大喊

4. 宣告;声明:pledge 保证 | proclaim 宣告;声明 | protest 抗议

proclaim 词典解释

1. proclaim在线翻译

1. 宣布;声明;公布
    If people proclaim something, they formally make it known to the public.

    e.g. The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880...
    e.g. Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers...

2. 明确表示;清楚地表明
    If you proclaim something, you state it in an emphatic way.

    e.g. 'I think we have been heard today,' he proclaimed...
    e.g. He confidently proclaims that he is offering the best value in the market.

proclaim 单语例句

1. Federer is certainly not lacking in confidence, but he wasn't about to proclaim himself the best ever.

2. The development brings the results closer to being certified and means Montenegro's parliament may be able to proclaim independence as early as next week.

3. HK community organizations plan to embark in May on another expedition to proclaim China's territorial rights to the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea.

4. Holmes appeared before the second half to proclaim her enthusiasm for the performers, saying she was honored to be in the presence of such talent.

5. " I can tell you they proclaim his innocence, " Garrison said.

6. His real intention is to proclaim the new constitution in 2006 and to establish the state of Taiwan in 2008 in accordance with his timetable.

7. Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo have pledged to proclaim independence early next year, and the US and several EU states have indicated they would recognize it.

8. The country broke into separate states, with several heroes emerging from the chaos to proclaim themselves king.

9. Some aspiring leaders think that they must proclaim a vision that overawes their followers.

10. Saturday after 88 hours of sailing to the Diaoyu Islands to proclaim China's sovereignty over the disputed territory.

proclaim 英英释义


1. proclaim

1. praise, glorify, or honor

    e.g. extol the virtues of one's children
           glorify one's spouse's cooking

    Synonym: laud extol exalt glorify

2. proclaim的意思

2. state or announce

    e.g. `I am not a Communist,' he exclaimed
           The King will proclaim an amnesty

    Synonym: exclaim promulgate

3. declare formally
    declare someone to be something
    of titles

    e.g. He was proclaimed King

4. proclaim的翻译

4. affirm or declare as an attribute or quality of

    e.g. The speech predicated the fitness of the candidate to be President

    Synonym: predicate