
procrastination [prəʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃn]  [proʊˌkræstɪ'neɪʃn] 

procrastination 基本解释



procrastination 网络解释

1. 拖延:这项研究总结出几条让人吃惊的结论:大多数人的新年许愿注定是失败的,大多数自助指南是完全错误的,它们认为完美主义是做事拖延的根源(为了把事情做的更完美,在时间上就...)拖延(Procrastination)可以用一个简单的数学方程式来解释.

2. 耽搁:Peter有凡事耽搁(Procrastination)的坏习惯,在公司内早已街知巷闻. 每当上司及同事问及他的工作进度时,他总会千篇一律地回应:「稍后会交. 」或「还剩下少许,就快完成,稍等. 」

3. 延迟:procrastinate 延迟 | procrastination 延迟 | procrastinator 拖延者

4. 拖延,耽搁:procrastinate 拖延,耽搁 | procrastination 拖延,耽搁 | proviso 附文,附带条件

procrastination 单语例句

1. procrastination什么意思

1. And it was German procrastination that aggravated the Greek crisis and caused the contagion that turned it into an existential crisis for Europe.

2. procrastination

2. I found bureaucratic procrastination in both countries, but with disparate manifestations.

3. Procrastination on reform will only add to the inefficiency of the economy and impede the country's preparation for the coming era of expensive oil.

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4. Given our human tendency toward procrastination, doing nothing is something we're all too familiar with in our daily life.

5. To win back Hong Kong people's hearts and minds, there's no time for procrastination.

6. She engaged in heated debates with Tung over the matter and no consensus was reached, thereby leading to procrastination in the legislation.

7. Local media reports said Chen and his lawyer were using the procrastination tactic.

procrastination 英英释义



1. procrastination的意思

1. the act of procrastinating
    putting off or delaying or defering an action to a later time

    Synonym: cunctation shillyshally

2. procrastination的近义词

2. slowness as a consequence of not getting around to it

    Synonym: dilatoriness