
procreation [ˌprəʊkrɪ'eɪʃn]  [ˌproʊkrɪ'eɪʃn] 

procreation 基本解释



procreation 网络解释

1. 生育:其中生育(procreation)又分成生殖和养育,也就是将生育分成造人(受孕O'Brien认为过去是自然(nature)使得男人将性与生殖分离,现在则是科技使得女性将性与生殖分离,而,这将会造成生殖

2. 生产:procreate 生 | procreation 生产 | procreative 生产的

3. 繁殖:procrastination 拖延 | procreation 繁殖 | procuration endorsement 代理签署

procreation 单语例句

1. procreation是什么意思

1. Procreation used to be the chief concern at all stages of Chinese society.

2. This makes the chimpanzee reproductive profile much longer and flatter than that of humans, whose procreation is concentrated from age 25 to 35.

3. procreation

3. In Chinese society your body has to be a procreation tool to continue the family line.

4. procreation是什么意思

4. The Chinese Government has officially banned research on human cloning for procreation purposes, but allowed remedial cloning.

procreation 英英释义



1. procreation的反义词

1. the sexual activity of conceiving and bearing offspring

    Synonym: reproduction breeding facts of life