
prolong [prəˈlɒŋ]  [prəˈlɔ:ŋ] 








prolong 基本解释


及物动词延长,拉长; 拖延,延期

prolong 同义词


动词drag out lengthen extend elongate stretch

prolong 反义词

及物动词shorten curtail

prolong 相关例句


1. People have all along been seeking to prolong life.

2. The delegation decided to prolong their visit by one week.

prolong 网络解释


1. 延长:prologue 开场白,序言 | prolong 延长 | prominent 显著的

2. 延长;伸展:profile 剖面, 侧面, 外形, 轮廓 | prolong延长;伸展 | propeller螺旋桨;推进器

3. 放长:draw-string neck 抽带领 | prolong 放长 | feather-edge 易褶薄边

4. 延伸器:projection welding 凸焊 | prolong 延伸器 | promethium 钷

prolong 词典解释

1. 延长;拉长;拖长
    To prolong something means to make it last longer.

    e.g. Mr Chesler said foreign military aid was prolonging the war...
    e.g. The actual action of the drug can be prolonged significantly.

...the prolongation of productive human life.
prolong 单语例句

1. The commonly used cocktail therapy - using a combination of different AIDS drugs and antibiotics - can control HIV and prolong life for AIDS sufferers.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. A common tactic in legal disputes is to prolong the court process, which buys companies more time to sell their products.

3. This is the capital's first time to prolong its heating supply period, according to the Beijing municipal commission of city administration and environment.

4. The United States'attempts to prolong protection cannot save domestic enterprises with decreasing competitiveness, but will cause international scepticism about its commitment to free trade.

5. Such a document will pave the way for more people to die with dignity, rather than hooked up to tubes and respirators that prolong their suffering.

6. prolong是什么意思

6. Li pointed out it was not uncommon in the past for some doctoral students to prolong their schooling again and again.

7. prolong在线翻译

7. This isn't the first time Kylie has spoken about plastic surgery and the pressure to prolong the signs of ageing.

8. prolong的解释

8. But they suggested developed nations should be cautious and warned that trade protectionism would prolong the global economic crisis.

9. But the Chinese consumer certainly has " elitism " firmly etched in his heart, which would prolong his brand fascination longer than expected.

10. He said a number of big Western companies adopt an " evergreen " method to prolong their patent periods.

prolong 英英释义



1. lengthen in time
    cause to be or last longer

    e.g. We prolonged our stay
           She extended her visit by another day
           The meeting was drawn out until midnight

    Synonym: protract extend draw out

2. prolong的解释

2. lengthen or extend in duration or space

    e.g. We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible
           prolong the treatment of the patient
           keep up the good work

    Synonym: sustain keep up