
promenade [ˌprɒməˈnɑ:d]  [ˌprɑ:məˈneɪd] 









promenade 基本解释

名词散步,闲逛; 通道,走廊; 舞会; 骑马

及物/不及物动词散步; 漫步; 骑马

promenade 相关例句



1. He promenaded back and forth on the ship's deck.


1. The Easter promenade is well known as a fashion show.

promenade 网络解释


1. 散步:法语里说的溜达或称散步(promenade)是使人类变成思想家的唯一身体活动. 历史上有不少喜欢慢走散步的哲学家,他们包括古希腊的亚里士多德和德国大哲学家康得,就连法国十九世纪象徵派大诗人阿尔蒂尔.兰波也不例外.

2. 侧行并步:在上节课的4拍准备步和16拍穿越步之后,这节课的内容是刺枪步(banderilas)、侧行并步(promenade)和披肩追步(chasse cape).

3. 人行道:从该酒店步行可至Funny Girls酒吧、Syndicate夜总会、人行道(Promenade)、北部码头(North Pier)、塔楼和黄金海滩(Golden Mile),是周末度假的理想住宿地.

promenade 词典解释

1. 滨海大道;海滨散步的道路
    In a seaside town, the promenade is the road by the sea where people go for a walk.

2. promenade

2. 步行区;供散步的区域
    A promenade is an area that is used for walking, for example a wide road or a deck on a ship.

3. 散步
    If someone promenades somewhere, for example along a beach, the edge of a lake, or a main street, they go for a walk there.

    e.g. People came out in smarter clothes to promenade along the front.

4. (学校在学年末举行的)正式舞会
    A promenade is a formal dance at a school or college which is usually held at the end of the academic year.

promenade 单语例句

1. On Tsim Sha Tsui promenade, the street pays tribute to a rich cinematic tradition.

2. The Corniche as a promenade and source of inspiration for new looks.

3. None of these is or will be in harmony with the city's historic and landmark Bund promenade.

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4. A man walks his dog along the Bondi Beach promenade on Friday.

5. promenade的解释

5. The situation was seen to be running out of control after the completion of the renovation of the promenade on the west bank.

6. Unfortunately, the house does not have a " promenade " area.

7. When junks and cargo ships reached Shanghai, this promenade along Shanghai's waterfront was the first sight they would see.


8. The CEDD will continue analyzing other areas too, such as promenade construction and a civic plaza.

9. Shortly after Putin left, a package exploded on the sea promenade of the regional capital Sukhumi.

10. promenade的近义词

10. Harding became the youngest conductor at the BBC Promenade Concerts in 1996.

promenade 英英释义



1. promenade在线翻译

1. a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)

    Synonym: amble saunter stroll perambulation

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2. a march of all the guests at the opening of a formal dance

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a square dance figure
    couples march counterclockwise in a circle

4. a public area set aside as a pedestrian walk

    Synonym: mall

5. a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year

    Synonym: prom



1. take a leisurely walk

    e.g. The ladies promenaded along the beach

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2. march in a procession

    e.g. the veterans paraded down the street

    Synonym: parade troop