
prong [prɒŋ]  [prɔ:ŋ] 


prong 基本解释

名词叉子齿; (进攻、论点等的)方面; (构成形容词)有…齿的; 分…方面的

prong 网络解释

1. 尖头,叉,管脚:promotion 增进,助长,加速 | prong 尖头,叉,管脚 | prong fork 尖头叉

2. 音叉臂:projector 投影机,放映机,投射器 | prong 音叉臂 | proof plane 验电板

3. 尖头:pronephros 前肾 | prong 尖头 | pronormoblast 原正成红细胞

4. 叉状物:proneness 俯伏 | prong 叉状物 | pronged 尖端分叉

prong 词典解释

1. (叉子等的)尖头,尖齿
    The prongs of something such as a fork are the long, thin pointed parts.

    e.g. Mark the loaf with the prongs of a fork in a criss-cross pattern.
    e.g. ...a prong attached to the back of a rider's boot.

2. prong是什么意思

2. (政策、计划等的)部分,方面
    The prongs of something such as a policy or plan are the separate parts of it.

    e.g. The shareholder rights movement has two prongs...
    e.g. The second prong of the strategy is the provision of basic social services for the poor.

prong 单语例句

1. Funding of the carbon footprint study is one prong to Alcoa Foundation's sustainability focus during the Shanghai Expo.

prong 英英释义


1. a pointed projection