
propose [prəˈpəʊz]  [prəˈpoʊz] 





propose 基本解释


及物动词求婚; 提议,建议; 打算,计划; 推荐,提名

不及物动词求婚; 做出计划,打算

propose 同义词

动词offer purport nominate project submit purpose suggest present

propose 反义词


及物动词deny reject refuse

propose 相关例句



1. He proposed that we should go for a walk.

2. He proposed building a bridge across this river.

3. It was proposed we go to the station to meet our guests.

4. He proposed to her, and she accepted.

5. He proposed a get-together this weekend.

propose 网络解释

1. 求婚:193 日剧 英雄(HERO) 木村拓哉、松隆子 全集 1535 台湾 我只在乎你(ONLYYOU) 李天熙、洪秀贤 28全集 2625 韩剧 求婚(Propose)韩语 金喜善、李昌勋、柳时元、赵银淑 14全集 1877 日剧 辣妹掌门人(GAL CIRCLE) 藤木直人 惠梨香 11集

2. 提出:我们从培训实践中,提出从培训需求分析到培训需求管理的PDAC四步模型,即培训需求管理必须包含提出(propose)、定义(define)、共识(agree)、传播(communicate)四个环节,采用每个英文单词首字母形成PDAC模型.

3. 建议:Chandrasekaran将设计方法定名为PCM,它包括建议(Propose)、评判(Critique)和修改(Modify)三个步骤,这个实际的设计过程与CBR过程存在着并行的对应关系,如图1所示.

propose 词典解释

1. 提出;建议;提议
    If you propose something such as a plan or an idea, you suggest it for people to think about and decide upon.

    e.g. Britain is about to propose changes to some institutions...
    e.g. It was George who first proposed that we dry clothes in that locker.

2. propose的解释

2. 打算;计划
    If you propose to do something, you intend to do it.

    e.g. It's still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair...
    e.g. And where do you propose building such a huge thing?

3. propose的意思

3. 提出(理论或解释)
    If you propose a theory or an explanation, you state that it is possibly or probably true, because it fits in with the evidence that you have considered.

    e.g. This highlights a problem faced by people proposing theories of ball lightning...
    e.g. Newton proposed that heavenly and terrestrial motion could be unified with the idea of gravity.

4. 提出;提名;推荐
    If you propose a motion for debate, or a candidate for election, you begin the debate or the election procedure by formally stating your support for that motion or candidate.

    e.g. A delegate from Siberia proposed a resolution that he stand down as party chairman...
    e.g. I asked Robin Balfour and Derek Haig to propose and second me.

...Mr Ian Murch, the proposer of the motion.

5. propose什么意思

5. 提议祝(酒);提议为…干杯
    If you propose a toast to someone or something, you ask people to drink a toast to them.

    e.g. Usually the bride's father proposes a toast to the health of the bride and groom.

6. propose的近义词

6. 向…求婚
    If you propose to someone, or propose marriage to them, you ask them to marry you.

    e.g. He had proposed to Isabel the day after taking his seat in Parliament.

propose 单语例句


1. Sources said the tax authorities propose to adjust the method for calculating the resource tax to reflect the price of the products.

2. There is more we can do, but we propose and they will decide.

3. The movie stars Amy Adams as a woman who finds love in an unexpected place as she chases across Ireland to propose to her boyfriend.

4. propose的翻译

4. His face as red as an apple my Chinese colleague rose to propose a toast.

5. The report does propose a strategic task to build a strong military commensurate with China's security needs and growing national interests.

6. Some propose the country shift its enormous foreign reserve investment to Europe to evade possible financial risks caused by its concentration in the US.

7. That's why some legislators and policy advisors propose to cancel the " social cost " fees.

8. But the account of women being given the " privilege " to propose to their sweethearts on a leap year persists.

9. The government plans to propose a law next year covering legal immigrants who want to move their families to France.

10. Given the current public transport network, it is tempting to propose a time frame of 2008.

propose 英英释义



1. present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.

    e.g. He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism
           She proposed a new theory of relativity

    Synonym: project

2. propose or intend

    e.g. I aim to arrive at noon

    Synonym: aim purpose purport

3. make a proposal, declare a plan for something

    e.g. the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax

    Synonym: suggest advise

4. ask (someone) to marry you

    e.g. he popped the question on Sunday night
           she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months
           The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman

    Synonym: declare oneself offer pop the question

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. put forward
    nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position

    e.g. The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission

    Synonym: nominate