
protrusion [prəˈtru:ʒn]  [proʊˈtru:ʒn] 


protrusion 基本解释


protrusion 网络解释

1. 突出:Ishihara等(4)按纤维环及后纵韧带的完整情况,将腰椎间盘突出程度分为突出(protrusion),韧带下型脱出(subligamentous extrusion),穿韧带型脱出(transligamentous extrusion)和游离(seguestration)4型,未发现椎间盘突出程度与小关节突不对称有关联.

2. 萌动:(二)萌动阶段?...萌动(protrusion)是种子萌发的第二阶段. 种子在最初吸胀的基础上,吸水一般要停滞数小时或数天.

3. 隆起:3.1 基准面(Datum plane)的建立3.2 基准曲线(Datum curve)的建立3.3 基难点(Datum point)的建立3.5 基准轴(Datum Axis)的建立4.2 构建计算机主机机箱的前盖板隆起(Protrusion)特征4.3 构建计算机主机机箱的前盖板槽(Slot)特征4.4

protrusion 词典解释

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1. 凸出物;凸起部分
    A protrusion is something that sticks out from something.

    e.g. He grabbed at a protrusion of rock with his right hand.

protrusion 单语例句

1. In some cases, the problem can even lead to disc protrusion.

protrusion 英英释义


1. the act of projecting out from something

    Synonym: projection jut jutting

2. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

    e.g. the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
           the hump of a camel
           he stood on the rocky prominence
           the occipital protuberance was well developed
           the bony excrescence between its horns

    Synonym: bulge bump hump swelling gibbosity gibbousness jut prominence protuberance extrusion excrescence