
provisionary [prə'vɪʒənərɪ]  [prə'vɪʒənˌerɪ] 

provisionary 基本解释
provisionary 网络解释


1. 临时的:provisionalwiring 临时布线 | provisionary 临时的 | provisionelevator 船舶供应品升降机

provisionary 双语例句

1. In 1993, the government promulgated Provisionary Regulations of the Civil Servants, marking the establishment of civil servant system in China.

2. Any sense of relief, however, is provisionary.

3. Security from any fraud and unscrupulous activities should be a serious concern for anyone who is into sales, lease, jobs, or any kind of services that entail certain provisionary agreement and settlement.

4. The Government of Argentina - by means of Resolution 394/2009- has imposed provisionary measures to imports of DTY from Indonesia and China and polyester fiber from China and India.

provisionary 英英释义


1. provisionary

1. under terms not final or fully worked out or agreed upon

    e.g. probationary employees
           a provisional government
           just a tentative schedule

    Synonym: probationary provisional tentative