pry into

pry into [prai ˈɪntuː]  [praɪ ˈɪntu] 

pry into 基本解释


pry into 网络解释

1. 打听:pry about 窥探 | pry into 打听 | pry 探查

2. 窥探,探问:pry vi.细查;探问 | pry into窥探,探问 | pseudonym n.假名;笔名

3. 窥探:试用期转正confirmation of probation | 窥探pry into | 不可抗力force majeure

4. 细心察看:细节the ins and outs | 细心察看pry into ... | 下一天the day following

pry into 单语例句

1. Callers are either media representatives who want to pry into Cui's condition or depressed individuals seeking help.

2. But why do parents and elderly relatives pry into young people's private life?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. He wondered why Chinese are so persistent in their effort to pry into other people's personal affairs.

4. And it was not long before people started to pry into my private life.

5. He tried into the night to pry the ATV off with an axe that he had on the vehicle to no avail.