
puberty [ˈpju:bəti]  [ˈpju:bərti] 

puberty 基本解释


名词青春期,春情发动期; 开花期; 发身

puberty 网络解释


1. 青春发动期:作为一个重要的发育里程碑,青春发动期(puberty)因其几乎同时出现的生物、社会和心理等方面一系列快速变化而显得尤为特殊. 随着身体的成熟,个体必须适应社会准则要求的提高和社会期望的增加. 这期间不可避免地出现对立违抗心理和行为,

2. 初情期:动物性成熟一般经历三个阶段:初情期(puberty)是性成熟的最初阶段,雌性动物达到初情期的标志是初次发情、排卵,但发情症状不完全,排卵无规律;雄性动物的初情期难以判断,通常表现出闻嗅雌性动物外阴部、爬跨雌性动物、阴茎勃起、时有交配动作等性行为,

3. 发育期:从出生到1岁为乳儿期,婴儿期,3岁到6~7岁为幼儿期,以后为童年期,12~18为青春期(adolescence)或发育期(puberty),从出生到18岁总称为儿童时期. 流行病学显示约15%的学龄儿童有过再发性腹痛的病史. 尽管这些与腹痛有关的症状对患儿的日常生活造成不良影响,但其...

puberty 词典解释

1. 青春期;发育期
    Puberty is the stage in someone's life when their body starts to become physically mature.

    e.g. Margaret had reached the age of puberty.

puberty 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Doctors warn that DEHP can cause male fertility problems and induce female precocious puberty, and that experiments on animals have demonstrated a carcinogenic effect.

2. Scientists have known for years that puberty begins when a child's brain orders the release of hormones that cascade through the body.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. About 100 young people sent questions and concerns about puberty to medical experts during China's first online consultation on reproductive health in Shanghai yesterday afternoon.

4. " Minimal puberty " as a natural result of hormone secretion would make infants develop prematurely, Wu explained.

5. The survey found early puberty had become the second largest endocrine disease of Shanghai children, next to obesity.

6. puberty

6. And maybe more work can be done to produce programmes tailored to our younger audience - children entering puberty between 12 and 13 years old.

7. puberty的翻译

7. Scientists say they mostly consist of galaxies going through puberty, all hot and bothered.

8. The survey found the average age for the onset of puberty of Guangzhou's children dropped to 11 years old from the previous age of 13.


9. Gynecomastia is very common in boys during the hormonal changes of puberty.

10. The toddler is only one of the growing numbers of UK children who suffer premature and need hormone injections to stave off puberty.

puberty 英英释义


1. the time of life when sex glands become functional

    Synonym: pubescence