public good

public good [ˈpʌblik ɡud]  [ˈpʌblɪk ɡʊd] 

public good 基本解释

public good的反义词

[经] 公益

public good 网络解释


1. 公共善:但他所提出公民在制订律法上的主动性和对律法的服从性特质,以及公共利益或公共善(public good)优先等观点还是公民伦理可资借鉴的精神资源. 从中我们察知公民伦理是对每一个理性自律的道德行为者所提出的要求.

2. 公共財:就理论观点而言,新成长理论(new growth theories)及其他新的分析架构,已试图将知识纳入於经济生产功能之中.但从政策观点言之,由於知识有别於其他的经济货物,因为它具有「公共财(public good)」的特徵,换言之,不像资本和劳力,

3. 公共利益:公共选择学派的经济学家们并不以为,政府本身有足够的能力及意愿来确保公共利益(public good)之最大;相反地,他们假设参与这场「政治赛局(game of politics)」的与赛者,也有著相当人性的一面,他们与其他经济个体一样相当的自利(self-interested),

public good 单语例句

1. The NDP asked the deal be put on a " public review " for the good of Canada.

2. Education and knowledge are at the core of a good quality of life for the urban public and the city itself.

3. public good的意思

3. Cashing in on the demand rise during the holiday and claiming it is doing the public good is simply the ministry playing a double game.

4. Many developers want to enjoy a good reputation among the public and therefore are interested in building subsidized houses.

5. public good的近义词

5. It is good to see the draft regulations clarify that governments can requisition property for public interest only in seven specific cases.

6. public good

6. This is possible unless the public utilities authorities truly come to terms with their primary obligation to serve the public good.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. It is imperative to build a contingent of public servants who are politically reliable, professionally competent and clean and honest and have a good work style.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. It is a good move personally and public relations wise to congratulate the couple on the birth.

9. public good的意思

9. The plan prescribes a series disease control measures like sealing off infected areas temporarily, taking disinfecting steps timely and good public health training.

10. Opening of such a collective account will substantially advance public good in all contributing countries.