puff out
1. She puffed out the candle and went to bed.
1. 吹灭:puff box 粉盒 | puff out 吹灭 | puff up 肿胀
2. 使膨胀,使肿胀:740puffn. 一阵喷烟,粉扑,泡夫; v. 喷出,张开,夸张 | 741puff out使膨胀,使肿胀 | 742puff up肿起,肿胀
3. 吹熄:传开;伸展开;扩大spread out | 吹熄puff out ... | ...垂直于normal to
4. (使)肿胀, (使)鼓起; 夸大, 渲染 吹熄 (使)喘不过气来:puff away 吹开, 喷(烟等 继续抽 | puff out (使)肿胀, (使)鼓起; 夸大, 渲染 吹熄 (使)喘不过气来 | puff up (使)膨胀[鼓起, 肿胀] (使)骄傲自满, (使)趾高气扬
1. 鼓起(双颊)
If you puff out your cheeks, you make them larger and rounder by filling them with air.
e.g. He puffed out his fat cheeks and let out a lungful of steamy breath.