
pugilist [ˈpju:dʒɪlɪst]  [ˈpjuːdʒɪlɪst] 


pugilist 基本解释


pugilist 网络解释


1. 拳击手:这个动作一直延续到现代的拳击场,拳击手(pugilist)一出场就会向假想的对手连续击打几下,以表示必胜的信心,此语有时也作beat the wind (与风打斗),寓意一样

2. 拳击家:pugn打(根) | pugilist拳击家 | repulse厌恶v,n

3. 拳击手,拳师:426. psychotic: 疯子. adj.精神病的. | 427. pugilist: 拳击手,拳师. | 428. pundit: 权威人士,专家.

4. 拳击运动员:130 Prize fight 职业赛 | 131 pugilist 拳击运动员 | 132 Punch-drunk 被打得晕头转向

pugilist 双语例句

1. Two or three masks strove to knock his moccoletto out of his hand; but Albert, a first-rate pugilist, sent them rolling in the street, one after the other, and continued his course towards the church of San Giacomo.

2. The whole reproval focuses on a azygos computer brief: melee-style pugilist conflict robots of the future.

3. At the end of the story, the protagonist emerges as a powerful pugilist whom few can equal.


4. He looked like a pugilist who had taken a blow to the head and was about to topple.


5. The pugilist blocked his opponent's blows and then put in a sudden right to the jaw.

6. He also happens to be a southpaw, which many view as an additional advantage for the rising young pugilist.

7. S. Eliot took boxing lessons from an ex-pugilist in a toughish gym in Boston`s South End.


8. " And what are you going to do with the nice new frown? " the Pugilist asked.

9. Eliot took boxing lessons from an ex-pugilist in a toughish gym in Boston's South End.

pugilist 词典解释

1. 拳击运动员;拳击手
    A pugilist is a boxer.

pugilist 单语例句

1. " I will display a performance that will surprise many people, " said the pugilist known as the'Real Deal'.

2. pugilist

2. At least you can trust this pugilist to keep your CDs safe from gangs of evil roommates.

pugilist 英英释义



1. someone who fights with his fists for sport

    Synonym: boxer