pull to pieces

pull to pieces

pull to pieces 基本解释

pull to pieces的翻译


pull to pieces 网络解释

pull to pieces

1. 把...撕成碎片:piece up 修补 . | pull to pieces 把...撕成碎片 . | pile up 堆积;积聚 .

2. 撕成碎片:pull through 度过难关 | pull to pieces 撕成碎片 | pull together 齐心协力

3. 拆开; 撕碎; 批驳得不值一文, 把...批评得体无完肤:pick up the pieces (跌倒后)重新爬起来(对小孩讲的话) 收拾残局 | pull to pieces 拆开; 撕碎; 批驳得不值一文, 把...批评得体无完肤 | speak a piece 背诵(课文, 诗文等) 发表自己的意见, 发牢骚