pulling force

pulling force[ˈpuliŋ fɔ:s] 

pulling force 基本解释
pulling force 网络解释

pulling force的反义词

1. 牵引力:pulling force 拉力 | pulling force 牵引力 | pulling in step 牵入同步

2. 牵力:pulling chain 牵引键 | pulling force 牵力 | pulling power 牵力

3. 拔力:a. Load 荷载 | 拔力 pulling force | 标准值 standard value

4. 拉力:pulling cable 牵引索 | pulling force 拉力 | pulling force 拉力

pulling force 单语例句

1. pulling force在线翻译

1. When his feet became trapped in a crevice, his friends feared that pulling him out by force would cause further injury.

2. For pulling the soldier back from the brink of death, the Force Commander of UN peacekeeping troops awarded the Chinese doctor with a Commendation.