1. 浆状的:pulpwood 纸浆用木材 | pulpy 浆状的 | pulque 龙舌兰酒
2. 果肉状的:4. gritty 有沙的 | 5. pulpy 果肉状的 | 6. waxy 苍白的
3. 纸浆状的:纸浆质pulpiness | 纸浆状的pulpy | 纸卷铁粉芯ferrocart
4. 泥状的:pulpwood 纸浆用木材 | pulpy 泥状的 | pulpy 纸浆状的
1. 多果肉的;多汁的;浆状的;软糊状的
Something that is pulpy is soft, smooth, and wet, often because it has been crushed or beaten.
e.g. The chutney should be a thick, pulpy consistency.
1. We believe that Minute Maid Pulpy Super Milky will allow us to continue to grow Minute Maid's strong position in the market.
2. Minute Maid Pulpy was introduced in China in 2005, and it reached $ 1 billion in global retail sales in just five years.
1. like a pulp or overripe
not having stiffness
Synonym: squashy