1. 脉冲:(1)采用脉冲(pulsed)方式千作. 在发射(transmit)一束超声脉冲瞬间(几个微秒)之后,有很长一段时间(200-300μs)可用于接收(receive)、处理回声信号. 所接收的弱回声可为发送信号的数万分之一,所以这种脉冲反射(或散射)法灵敏度很高.
2. 脉冲触发的:pulsecutting 脉冲削减 | pulsed 脉冲触发的 | pulsed cutting system 脉冲削波系统
3. 脉冲调制的:pulsed xenon lamp 脉冲氙气灯 | pulsed 脉冲调制的 | pulser 脉冲发生器
4. 脉冲激光:? Smart Cards智能卡 | Pulsed 脉冲激光 | ? Capacitors 电容
1. pulsed
1. Every session at ExCel arena pulsed with excitement, with each of Taylor's three fights turning into a celebration of Irish pride.
2. The lights flashed and pulsed in rhythm to a performance by Grammy Award winner Alicia Keys at the unveiling in November.