pump oxygenator

pump oxygenator

pump oxygenator 双语例句

pump oxygenator的翻译

1. Fetal bypass was established with centrifugal pump at the placental group, and bypass of oxygenator group was established with centrifugal pump and oxygenator.

2. We found the pump oxygenator to be extraordinarily efficient, reliable, of great capacity and also simple to operate.

3. Methods Eight fetal lambs which weighted 12 kg ± 03 kg had undergone cardiopulmonary bypass with artificial oxygenator and roller pump for one hour.

pump oxygenator

4. Methods Eight fetal lambs which weighted 1 2 kg ± 0 3 kg had undergone cardiopulmonary bypass with artificial oxygenator and roller pump for one hour.


5. Two groups of 15 patientsunderwent BHS during normothermia with assistance of two differentSBS consisting of only blood pump and oxygenator.
    另两组各15例病人在两种不同的仅包括血泵和氧合器的 SBS 辅助下常温行 BHS 。