pump up

pump up [pʌmp ʌp]  [pʌmp ʌp] 

pump up 基本解释

打气; 泵送; 唧送

pump up 网络解释

1. 用泵加压:pump unit 泵装置 | pump up 用泵加压 | pump valve 泵阀

2. 给...打气:pump swing forward 前摆臂屈伸 | pump up 给...打气 | pumping head 总扬程;水泵水头

3. 热切期望:18. get lost 滚开 | 19 pump up 热切期望 | 20. put someone out 给某人添麻烦

4. 打气:rather than... 不愿,不要,不是 | pump up 打气 | in the end 在最后

pump up 词典解释

1. 用泵(或气筒)给…打气
    If you pump up something such as a tyre, you fill it with air using a pump.

    e.g. I tried to pump up my back tyre.

2. (尤指通过自我心理暗示)给自己打气,自我鼓励
    If you pump yourself up for something, you prepare yourself for it mentally, especially by telling yourself that you can succeed.

    e.g. They find it difficult to pump themselves up for the games.

pump up 单语例句

1. pump up

1. Li Ning is also planning to rope in top creative designers to pump up its Crossover range of products.

2. pump up

2. So prices at the pump will probably keep going up no matter what happens to the benchmark price of crude oil.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The witnesses said the pump sounded like a blood pressure cuff being pumped up.

4. pump up的翻译

4. The signal is that the central bank has realized the danger posed by sliding growth and is determined to pump it up.

5. pump up

5. Would Jason Bourne dress up as a gas pump for a YouTube video?

6. Doctors set up heated IV drips and a machine to pump heated air into her body.

7. pump up

7. The Beijing municipal authorities have raised pump prices by up to 4 percent to cover the cost of cleaner fuel.

8. Gasoline prices typically lag changes in petroleum prices for a brief time before showing up at the pump.

9. pump up的近义词

9. Crews plan to pump in heated water and methanol so ice won't build up.

10. Inspection tours to pump up economic confidence are being undertaken by top leaders after economic data recorded the slowest growth in three years.