
pump [pʌmp]  [pʌmp] 






pump 基本解释

名词泵; 打气筒; 轻软舞鞋; 轻便帆布鞋(英式英语)

及物/不及物动词用抽水机汲水; 给…打气; 用泵(或泵样器官等)输送; 涌出

及物动词用泵抽; 注入,似用泵来拉、转或倒; 抽水,从。。除去水; 骑自行车的人上下蹬踏板

pump 相关例句


1. He pumped up his tires.

2. The villagers had pumped the well dry, and could get no more water.

3. He pumped funds into the new project.


1. Blood was pumping out of his belly like a fountain.


1. Here is an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well.

pump 网络解释

1. 水泵:向左转,可看到一个水泵(Pump),先以油润滑手柄(Use oil on Handle),再用水泵抽走水(Use Handle). 拿走铁链上的木塞起子(Corkscrew). 然后返回我被困的船舱(Hold),先以湿海绵弄掉招贴画(Poster),再以木塞起子把墙上的圆木块(Knob)拔掉.

2. 打气筒:玛尔寇套上救生圈,拿出打气筒(Pump)给石头上的黄花打气婴儿睡袋,站到这棵涨满气的植物上,玛尔寇被弹到左边的石壁上,进入洞穴看看,穿上救生圈跳到瀑布中,到达第二层,可以看到禁止使用雨伞、止滑鞋的标志.

3. 幫浦:于阴茎之内)、帮浦(pump)(植于阴囊之内)以及贮存容器(reservoir)(植入腹壁中)、当需要时、可以从阴囊内的帮浦一压、生理食塩水即从贮存器流入粒状体之中、阴茎因此一感觉膨胀而上扬(蛮符合人体功学原理的)、而当行房事结束之后,

pump 词典解释

1. 泵;抽水机;打气筒
    A pump is a machine or device that is used to force a liquid or gas to flow in a particular direction.

    e.g. ...pumps that circulate the fuel around in the engine...
    e.g. There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard...

2. 抽吸;抽运;泵送
    To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.

    e.g. It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea...
    e.g. The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.

3. pump的近义词

3. (汽油)加油泵
    A petrol or gas pump is a machine with a tube attached to it that you use to fill a car with petrol.

    e.g. There are already long queues of vehicles at petrol pumps.
    e.g. ...gas pumps.

4. 洗(胃)
    If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example because they have swallowed poison or drugs.

    e.g. She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.

5. 大量投入;大量注入
    If you pump money or other resources into something such as a project or an industry, you invest a lot of money or resources in it.

    e.g. The Government needs to pump more money into community care.

6. 不停地追问
    If you pump someone about something, you keep asking them questions in order to get information.

    e.g. He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case...
    e.g. He must have pumped Janey for details...

7. 接连发射;快速连射
    To pump bullets into someone means to fire a lot of bullets into them very quickly.

    e.g. A gunman burst in and pumped five bullets into her head.

8. (运动或休闲时穿的)橡胶底帆布鞋
    Pumps are canvas shoes with flat rubber soles which people wear for sports and leisure.

in AM, use 美国英语用 trainers

9. pump的反义词

9. (通常皮制的)女式浅口鞋
    Pumps are women's shoes that do not cover the top part of the foot and are usually made of plain leather.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 court shoes

10. pump的解释

10. 刺激(经济等的)发展
      To prime the pump means to do something to encourage the success or growth of something, especially the economy.

      e.g. ...the use of tax money to prime the pump of the state's economy.

11. to pump iron -> see iron

相关词组:pump out pump up

pump 单语例句

1. Even if the government would like to pump more capital into big construction projects, it may not be financially capable of doing so.

2. Analysts estimated that retail investors in Hong Kong might pump in a combined capital of HK $ 300 billion during the subscription.

3. The family have been diagnosed with the extremely rare heart condition dilated cardiomyopathy, which causes the heart to enlarge and pump blood less efficiently.

4. pump的翻译

4. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy thickens the heart and makes it harder to pump blood.

5. The cartel ignored calls from US President George W Bush to pump more oil into an ailing American economy.

6. Record overseas sales pump cash into China's financial system, raising the risk of property and stock bubbles.

7. Thereafter based on the actual condition in Qingdao, sea water is an ideal heat source or sink of heat pump system.

8. Serena sealed the match with a crosscourt forehand winner and celebrated with a simple fist pump before hugging her sister at the net.

9. pump的反义词

9. The central bank also introduced new steps to pump more money into the banking system to thaw a growing credit crunch.

10. Trust investment programs have been an important channel for Chinese banks to pump credit into property projects as Beijing tightens controls on bank lending.

pump 英英释义



1. a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction

2. pump

2. a low-cut shoe without fastenings

3. pump的近义词

3. the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs
    its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body

    e.g. he stood still, his heart thumping wildly

    Synonym: heart ticker


1. question persistently

    e.g. She pumped the witnesses for information

2. deliver forth

    e.g. pump bullets into the dummy

3. operate like a pump
    move up and down, like a handle or a pedal

    e.g. pump the gas pedal

4. pump的解释

4. raise (gases or fluids) with a pump

5. pump什么意思

5. move up and down

    e.g. The athlete pumps weights in the gym

6. draw or pour with a pump

7. flow intermittently

8. supply in great quantities

    e.g. Pump money into a project