punch line

punch line[pʌntʃ lain] 

punch line 基本解释

punch line的翻译


punch line 相关例句



1. The punch line was that he lost his pants in the typhoon.

2. He told the joke so poorly that he had to explain the punch line twice.

punch line 网络解释


1. 妙语:另外,戴教授还强调了应该关注的如下素质,这些素质说明考生有成为职业译员的潜力:迅速理解所听段落中妙语(punch line)的能力;迅速把握主次信息以及理清信息间逻辑关系的能力;快速组织信息的能力;清晰表达的能力以及较强的短时记忆力.

2. 好笑的部分:Please don't go to so much trouble. I don't want to put you out. 请不要非那么多工夫,我不想给... | 76. punch line好笑的部分 | I can't tell the joke, I forgot the punch line.我无法将这个故事,我忘了当中最好...

3. 广告妙语:冰球 hockey | 广告妙语 punch line | 吉尼斯世界记录 Guinness Book of Records

punch line 单语例句

1. He has advocated expelling Russia from the Group of Eight industrial nations and made Putin the butt of a punch line.

2. Participants also had to choose the correct punch line for verbal jokes and select the funny ending to series of cartoon panels.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. The comment met with derision from Palin's critics and was turned into a punch line for a " Saturday Night Live " skit featuring actress Tina Fey.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. A bank robbery is the punch line to this solid film, but Daniels steals most of the scenes.

5. The former California governor has been preparing a return to Hollywood, but becoming a punch line wasn't on the agenda.

punch line 英英释义



1. the point of a joke or humorous story

    Synonym: laugh line gag line tag line