
puny [ˈpju:ni]  [ˈpjuni] 



puny 基本解释

形容词微不足道的; 弱小的; 微弱的; 小于一般尺寸的

puny 网络解释

1. 小的:punty 顶底杆 | puny 小的 | pup tent 小帐蓬

2. 很小声:Weak.|懦夫 | Puny.|很小声 | Voiced-up.|大点声

3. 弱小,微小,微不足道:petite,娇小,小的 | puny,弱小,微小,微不足道 | scanty,不够,短裤,节省,缺乏,狭小

4. 弱小的,发育不良的:purchase支点 | puny弱小的,发育不良的 | pungent味道刺激的,苛刻的

puny 词典解释

1. puny的翻译

1. 弱小的;微弱的
    Someone or something that is puny is very small or weak.

    e.g. ...a puny, bespectacled youth...
    e.g. The resources at the central banks' disposal are simply too puny.

puny 单语例句

1. Beijing's puny artificial slopes can be a serious disappointment to skiing fans trapped within the suburban hills.

2. But some critics think the machine is too puny for many tasks, including sequencing the entire genome of a person.

3. But at least a puny, little white boy from South Australia got to see Smokin'Joe knock The Greatest down.

4. puny

4. None of your puny local river crabs here, and we are certainly not even talking about common mud crabs or blue swimmers.

puny 英英释义


1. (used especially of persons) of inferior size

    Synonym: runty shrimpy

2. puny的近义词

2. inferior in strength or significance

    e.g. a puny physique
           puny excuses