
purebred ['pjʊəˌbred]  [ˈpjʊrˈbrɛd] 

purebred 基本解释




purebred 网络解释


1. 纯种的:例如我使用了纯种的(purebred)和非纯种non-purebred),第一代(firstgeneration)和第二代(secondgeneration). 但当我将这篇文章给一些具有生物学背景的年轻养鸽者看时,他们确有了不同的意见. 他们说:我们知道你想尽量简化有关的专用名词,

2. 纯种:九、纯种(Purebred)和非纯种(Non-Purebred)genes)相同时,针对那个性状特征而言,这羽鸽子是纯种的(Purebred)或同型接合的(homozygous). 例如一羽砂眼的鸽子通常具有两个同型的砂眼基因,它对砂眼这个性状而言是纯种的,所以,

3. 纯种的动物:pureblood 纯血统的 | purebred 纯种的动物 | purecleanse 洌

4. 纯种的 hybrid杂交的:i couldn't hold it in any longer! 但是我忍不住! | purebred 纯种的 hybrid杂交的 | it was a little extravagant, but i am pretty good deal.它是有点昂贵,不过我很会砍价

purebred 单语例句

1. purebred什么意思

1. The Chinese often use the term " purebred " to describe the lineage of dogs, cats and other animals.

2. An advertisement outside the shop says it sells purebred dogs and cats and " prices are negotiable ".

3. A vet service is also available at the park, and sale of purebred puppies can be arranged with advance notice.

4. Efforts to impregnate the two purebred Washington rabbits have been unsuccessful so far, he said.

5. The festival's organizing committee has specially introduced several rare purebred Alaskan Mala dogs.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. The zoo imported five purebred Manchurian tigers - three females and two males - from Harbin in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province in January.

7. Three purebred female Manchurian tigers at the Changsha zoo in Hunan province are pregnant and are expected to deliver next month.

8. The post said in Chinese that " Jianning county was happy to welcome its first batch of purebred foreign people ".

9. Tang Polo Club will demonstrate polo skills, bringing along 15 purebred horses.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. A young lady went to Tibet more than 50 times to find purebred Tibetan mastiffs.

purebred 英英释义



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1. a pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage
    used especially of horses

    Synonym: thoroughbred pureblood


1. bred for many generations from member of a recognized breed or strain