push forward

push forward [puʃ ˈfɔ:wəd]  [pʊʃ ˈfɔrwəd] 

push forward 基本解释
push forward 相关例句

push forward


1. They were pushing the work forward.

push forward 网络解释

1. 压上:push back 回收; | push forward 压上; | through pass 传透性传球

2. 推进:前冲:Forward Rush | 推进:push forward | 补料:feed-batch culture

3. 抓紧进行:push for催促着要, 敦促(做某事) | push forward抓紧进行 | push ahead抓紧进行

4. 前推:push down 推头下降 | push forward 前推 | push plate conveyor 推板运送机

push forward 单语例句

1. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Wednesday encouraged business communities of both China and the United States to work more closely to push forward bilateral relations.

2. " But the strong political will of leaders from the two parties push them forward, " Xu told China Business Weekly.

3. The visiting businessman said Dell is willing to further advance investment in China and is also committed to push forward bilateral economic and trade relations.

4. Police said the bust of the criminal network was important to push forward the national crackdown on similar cases.

5. She called for China's support to push forward the Doha process.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. The central bank should push forward such reforms in a steady but also more active way.

7. He said Japan hoped to candidly exchange opinions with China on bilateral, regional and global issues in a bid to push forward cooperation.

8. It also said more capital should be invested in IOT research efforts in order to push forward technological innovation and improve global competence.

9. push forward

9. It rests with the central authority to show its resolution to push forward this crucial action.

10. Lau says the Hong Kong Design Centre will continue to push forward efforts to promote the city as the region's design hub.

push forward 英英释义


1. push one's way

    e.g. she barged into the meeting room

    Synonym: barge thrust ahead