
pushover [ˈpʊʃəʊvə(r)]  [ˈpʊʃoʊvə(r)] 


pushover 基本解释


pushover 相关例句



1. The examination was a pushover; I'm sure of all the answers.

pushover 网络解释


1. 闲差事:pushing 有精力的 | pushover 闲差事 | pushpin 图钉

2. 易受影响的人,软心肠的人:41. push around 仗势欺人 | 42. pushover 易受影响的人,软心肠的人 | 43. when push comes to shove 到达最后紧要关头,逼人不得不采取行动,做出决定

3. 侧拉转向外推:42. 桨叶向外划的弧形:outward arc of the paddle | 44. 侧拉转向外推:pushover | 45. 倒划动作:reverse stroke

4. 易做之事;易劝服的人:28. Turn one's head 使人自负;冲昏头脑 | 29. Pushover 易做之事;易劝服的人 | 30. In a flash 瞬间

pushover 词典解释

1. 易被劝服的人
    You say that someone is a pushover when you find it easy to persuade them to do what you want.

    e.g. He is a tough negotiator. We did not expect to find him a pushover and he has not been one.

2. 容易做的工作;易如反掌的事;唾手可得的东西
    You say that something is a pushover when it is easy to do or easy to get.

    e.g. You might think Hungarian a pushover to learn. It is not.

pushover 单语例句

1. This also shows the shopkeeper that you won't be a pushover.

2. Watching his worldwide tour clips online reveals a man with a bright charm but he's no pushover - he's forceful in a sweet way.

pushover 英英释义


1. pushover是什么意思

1. any undertaking that is easy to do

    e.g. marketing this product will be no picnic

    Synonym: cinch breeze picnic snap duck soup child's play walkover piece of cake

2. pushover的反义词

2. someone who is easily taken advantage of