put down in writing

put down in writing

put down in writing 双语例句

1. IT者网站提供英文翻译, 未经授权请勿转载】 The knight-errant is anecdotical, it is put down in writing of unofficial history, fiction more.


2. One effective way to do so is by writing them down and put them in prominent place.

3. It is because they used writing to put down their ideas and their inventions in books.

4. Build scene method to basically have: 1, dig a lake to pile mountain, model landform, decorate billabong of river river lake, monarch diameter builds a road, create landscape situation; 2, build building, stage, booth, cabinet, hall, house, a small room, a pavilion or house on a terrace, corridor, bridge, boat, a screen wall facing the gate of a house, wall the building facilities such as door of path of wall, stair, Deng, scene, create building situation; 3, fold big pool of rockery, strange peak, hole, Wei Ya with block build by laying bricks or stones, create rockery situation; 4, decorate valley, mountain stream, riprap, onflow, create mountain stream situation; 5, bluff of megalith of load one's writing with fancy phrases, come down in torrents of pilot a ship into a harbour and below, create chute situation; 6, set shallow water small pool by landform, build stone hill fountain, put in a suitable place to breed view and admire fish, lotus of cultivated carry on one's shoulder, Lu Di, flowers and plants, build Shui Shijing; 7, with different combination, decorate community to line and season photograph change or highlight the stance of isolated tree in order to reflect Lin Ji, or clip is arboreous, those who make have all sorts of pattern, create situation of flowers and trees.

5. He put down everything in writing.

6. Put that down in writing.

7. A good contract should put down in writing specifically what you expect from the contractor, as well as the goods and services he is providing.

put down in writing在线翻译

8. Put your dramatic difference down in writing – because doing so will make it more tangible and concrete.

9. A So if during the winter olympics, canada did a great job in the closing ceremony but with a few mistakes. And other media around the world just focus on thsoe mistakes, writing negative comments about it, bashing the effort canadians have put in. What would you think? Do you think those media are very biased? dont you think those are childish, immature beheaviour? Putting down others to make oneself looks better.

10. But among the Chinese bibliographical data, the standard literature is one of the most complicated to put down in writing.

11. Being amused with his soliloquy, I put it down in writing, in hopes it will likewise amuse her to whom I am so much indebted for the most pleasing of all amusements, her delicious company and heavenly harmony.

put down in writing

12. China is the country about the earliest record and treated hemorrhoids in medical history. Three thousand years ago, names of diseases like diarrhea and abdominal illness were appeared and put down in writing on the turtle shell.

put down in writing

13. I sat down to put my arguments in writing, which I copied fair and sent to him.

14. And Eustace nodded his terrible dragon head and thumped his tail in the sea and everyone skipped back (some of the sailors with ejaculations I will not put down in writing) to avoid the enormous and boiling tears which flowed from his eyes.

15. When we first make a complaint the usual response is a request to write a letter: Can you put that down in writing please?