put to death

put to death [put tu: deθ]  [pʊt tu dɛθ] 

put to death 基本解释

put to death

处以死刑; 处决; 处死,杀死; 诛戮

put to death 相关例句

put to death


1. The criminals were put to death.

put to death 单语例句

1. put to death的解释

1. He was put to death in 2004 for the murder of his three young children in a house fire.

2. And to reward family businesses and farmers for a lifetime of hard work and savings, we put the death tax on the path to extinction.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The country's most feared terror group warned foreign diplomats Friday to flee Iraq after announcing it will put to death two kidnapped Moroccan Embassy employees.

4. put to death

4. He had initially put the death toll at 14, but a spokesman later told NBC the toll had been revised to 12.

5. put to death什么意思

5. Detractors say the law will not allow federal courts to review most cases and will result in innocent people being put to death.

6. put to death

6. But rebellious troops escorting the emperor force him to abdicate and put consort Yang to death.

7. The offender was tied with ropes, flailed for minor offences or put to death for serious crimes.

8. The high court rejected his requests for a stay of execution about 10 hours before he was to be put to death.

9. The European Union welcomed the verdict but said Saddam should not be put to death.

10. He was put to death by lethal injection the next day, in accordance with the law.

put to death 英英释义

put to death的翻译


1. kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment

    e.g. In some states, criminals are executed

    Synonym: execute