
putsch [pʊtʃ]  [pʊtʃ] 


putsch 基本解释
putsch 网络解释

1. 起义:putridness 腐烂 | putsch 起义 | putschism 鼓吹起义

2. 小暴动:putrescible 可腐败的 | putsch 小暴动 | putsomeonetotrialSentenceadjudgementadjudgmentjudgement 审判

3. 小暴動政治內政:7962小數點?教育數學名詞decimal point | 7963小暴動政治內政putsch | 7964小標題文化新聞,傳播topic

4. 起义,叛乱:purgatory 炼狱,暂时的苦难 | putsch 起义,叛乱 | puttee 绑腿,裹腿

putsch 单语例句

1. putsch

1. Hitler dictated the book to his aide Rudolf Hess while in prison in Bavaria following the failed Munich " Beer Hall " putsch of 1923.

putsch 英英释义


1. a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force

    Synonym: coup d'etat coup takeover