
quarrel [ˈkwɒrəl]  [ˈkwɔ:rəl] 



现在分词:quarrelling; quarreling

过去分词:quarreled; quarrelled

过去式:quarreled; quarrelled

quarrel 基本解释


名词争吵,口角; 反目; 抱怨…的原因(理由); [史]方镞箭,角镞箭

不及物动词争辩,争吵; 不同意; 挑剔; 责备,埋怨

quarrel 同义词


quarrel 反义词


名词agreement concord harmony

quarrel 相关例句


1. She often quarreled with her husband over trivial matters.

2. He quarreled with my suggestion that television caused violence.

3. Those children are always quarrelling over little things.


1. He has no quarrel with us.

2. We had a quarrel about money.

3. He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone.

quarrel 网络解释


1. 争论:固定搭配 老师给学生布置了难度大的家庭专业,家长迷惑不解(puzzle)却没去探究(explore)清楚而去争论(quarrel),而是抱怨(complain)老师布置的作业太难.

2. 争吵;争论 吵架:17.prompt 准时的;按时的;迅速的;立刻行动的 | 18.quarrel 争吵;争论 吵架 | 19.run into 偶遇;碰上

3. 吵架:split 分開 | quarrel 吵架 | harmonious 和睦

quarrel 词典解释

1. 争吵;吵架;拌嘴
    A quarrel is an angry argument between two or more friends or family members.

    e.g. I had a terrible quarrel with my other brothers...
    e.g. It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.

2. 不和;争端;争执
    Quarrels between countries or groups of people are disagreements, which may be diplomatic or include fighting.

    e.g. ...New Zealand's quarrel with France over the Rainbow Warrior incident...
    e.g. The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.

3. 争吵;吵架;吵嘴
    When two or more people quarrel, they have an angry argument.

    e.g. At one point we quarrelled, over something silly...
    e.g. My brother quarrelled with my father.

4. 不满;不同意见
    If you say that you have no quarrel with someone or something, you mean that you do not disagree with them.

    e.g. We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country...
    e.g. She had no quarrel with much of what had been said at dinner.

5. 不同意;反对
    If you say that you would quarrel with someone or with something that they have said, you mean that you disagree with them.

    e.g. I would quarrel with you on that figure...
    e.g. While some of his peers might quarrel with the title, his credentials remain impressive.

quarrel 单语例句

1. Abdullah was a cabinet minister when Anwar was sacked, but said he had no quarrel with him.

2. It was reported that the woman did so because she couldn't find a good job while the man leapt after a quarrel with his girlfriend.

3. Police also found during their investigation that Tung had beaten her daughter with a cane during a quarrel before she left home.

4. A schizophrenic man who pummeled his wife with a dumbbell after a quarrel, was sentenced to six months of psychiatric treatment in Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre on Tuesday.

5. Police said Hu killed the couple after a quarrel last month, and they caught him as he tried to commit suicide.

6. They thought that this time she might have jumped following a quarrel with a cyclist who accidentally ran into her on the road.

7. The affectionate pair said they never quarrel because both feel they would curse themselves if they fought and called out each other's name.

8. Neighbors said the young couple used to be very affectionate and never had a quarrel at home.

9. A quarrel broke out between the occupants of the vehicle and the police, which led to dozens of local residents gathering at the station to protest.

10. A quarrel broke out between the family members at 1 am on Sunday at the food stall where they had been eating and drinking.

quarrel 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an arrow that is shot from a crossbow
    has a head with four edges

2. an angry dispute

    e.g. they had a quarrel
           they had words

    Synonym: wrangle row words run-in dustup


1. have a disagreement over something

    e.g. We quarreled over the question as to who discovered America
           These two fellows are always scrapping over something

    Synonym: dispute scrap argufy altercate