
quartz [kwɔ:ts]  [kwɔ:rts] 


quartz 基本解释



quartz 网络解释


1. 石英:crystal) 石英(quartz)类无色透明,具良好结晶形状者称为水晶. 远在石器时代,便用来作装饰的饰物. 在古罗马时代,曾用水晶磨成的凸透镜来聚热点火. 现在人造水晶可用於工业上,做留声机、精确

2. 水晶:但是,作为它的替代物,是将水晶(Quartz)振子装入自激多谐振荡器,得到的振荡信号作为时基. 水晶振子相当于钟表的摆锤,是得到精确同期振动的一个手段. 振荡的频率(相当于钟摆的振动速度)非常高,例如32768Hz. 将此输入到T型触发器,

quartz 词典解释

1. quartz是什么意思

1. 石英
    Quartz is a mineral in the form of a hard, shiny crystal. It is used in making electronic equipment and very accurate watches and clocks.

    e.g. ...a quartz crystal.

quartz 单语例句

1. quartz是什么意思

1. He adds that the heating and thickness of the quartz layer is the key because the mould could easily be broken during casting.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The entire area is covered with towering cliffs of sandstone of quartz and dense unspoiled forests that conceal fantastic caves full of stalactites and stalagmites.

3. The textured lamps above the dining bar are made from an amalgamation of individual silk cocoons that help to show off the white quartz bar.

4. Light quartz bands and grayish black amphibolite combine to form a colorful riverbed, named Colorful Stone Stream.

5. Twelve workers died because they had poor protection against pollutants at a quartz plant, an investigation has found.

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6. Most other known prehistoric artifacts were fashioned from rocks and minerals no harder than quartz.

7. Covered with fine quartz sands, the beach glitters under the sunshine.

8. But chief strategist David Axelrod has been carrying the same pink quartz heart in his pants pocket for about three weeks.

9. For example, rose quartz promotes balance by resolving hurt and anger and encouraging a sense of calm.

10. The ore layer of quartz is quite stable and has remarkable thickness, usually 50 to 80 meters deep.

quartz 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a hard glossy mineral consisting of silicon dioxide in crystal form
    present in most rocks (especially sandstone and granite)
    yellow sand is quartz with iron oxide impurities

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. colorless glass made of almost pure silica

    Synonym: quartz glass vitreous silica lechatelierite crystal