
queen [kwi:n]  [kwin] 










queen 基本解释


名词女王; 王后; 杰出女性; (纸牌中的)王后, (国际象棋中的)后

及物动词立…为王后(或女王); 使…成为国王的妻子; [国际象棋]使(兵)成为后

queen 反义词


queen 相关例句


1. The queen of that country is only a figurehead.

2. She was the queen of society then.

queen 网络解释

1. 虫后:1,虫后(Queen),虫间失格,从女皇贬到杂鱼身份. 现在Zerg可以造复数只虫后了. 当然,这意外着她的能力也跟着一起渣了. 她依然是Ter 1单位,需要消耗气体,不再拥有进化成高级形态的升级. 攻击力和机动力一如既往的不能期待,

queen 词典解释

1. queen是什么意思

1. 女王;女皇
    A queen is a woman who rules a country as its monarch.

    e.g. ...Queen Victoria...
    e.g. She met the Queen last week.

2. 皇后;王后
    A queen is a woman who is married to a king.

    e.g. The king and queen had fled.

3. queen在线翻译

3. (某一活动的)女王,出众的女子
    If you refer to a woman as the queen of a particular activity, you mean that she is well-known for being very good at it.

    e.g. ...the queen of crime writing.

4. queen是什么意思

4. (女性化的)同性恋男子
    A queen is a male homosexual who dresses and speaks rather like a woman.

5. (国际象棋中的)后
    In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece. It can be moved in any direction.

6. (纸牌中的)王后(牌),Q(牌)
    A queen is a playing card with a picture of a queen on it.

    e.g. ...the queen of spades.

7. 蜂王
    A queen or a queen bee is a large female bee which can lay eggs.

queen 单语例句

1. Some commentators believed that Charles was seeking to buy time to win over public acceptance of his wife as queen.

2. queen的近义词

2. Carmen Electra has been quite the cameo queen over the past few years.

3. queen

3. Newspaper reports said the queen hangs out Christmas stockings packed with doggie treats for her canine companions.

4. Chinese piano virtuoso Lang Lang was to carry the torch onto the stage at the Queen's Theatre in Hornchurch.

5. The case collapsed when Queen Elizabeth II told prosecutors that Burrell told her he was holding some of Diana's things for safekeeping.

6. queen

6. The case collapsed when Queen Elizabeth II told prosecutors that Burrell had told her he was holding some of Diana's things for safekeeping.

7. The queen was in the castle at the time, but her office declined Friday to comment about what had happened.

8. One of them was laid out by France's queen consort Catherine de Medici while the other was arranged by her rival Diane de Poitiers.

9. After the Mirror exposed her for hoovering up 20 lines in 40 minutes, the catwalk queen eventually issued a statement apologising for the incident.

10. With the dollar hitting an all time low against the Euro and British pound, the 27 year old catwalk queen has demanded the currency change.

queen 英英释义


1. queen

1. female cat

    Synonym: tabby

2. the only fertile female in a colony of social insects such as bees and ants and termites
    its function is to lay eggs

3. an especially large mole rat and the only member of a colony of naked mole rats to bear offspring which are sired by only a few males

    Synonym: queen mole rat

4. (chess) the most powerful piece

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. one of four face cards in a deck bearing a picture of a queen

6. offensive term for an openly homosexual man

    Synonym: fagot faggot fag fairy nance pansy queer poof poove pouf

7. queen的解释

7. a competitor who holds a preeminent position

    Synonym: king world-beater

8. a female sovereign ruler

    Synonym: queen regnant female monarch

9. the wife or widow of a king

10. something personified as a woman who is considered the best or most important of her kind

    e.g. Paris is the queen of cities
           the queen of ocean liners


1. become a queen

    e.g. her pawn queened

2. promote to a queen, as of a pawn in chess