
quest [kwest]  [kwɛst] 


quest 基本解释


名词追求; 探索; 远征; 验尸陪审团

及物动词探索; 寻找

不及物动词进行探求; (猎犬等)跟踪搜寻

quest 相关词组


1. in quest of : 为了追求...;

quest 网络解释


1. 尋找:<<寻找>>(Quest)中纵横交织的光影投向地面,勾勒出纽约曼哈顿摩天大楼的种种意象,这是一支关于现代都市人的心灵速写. <<湍流>>(C rosscu rrent)同样弥漫着浓浓的美国味道. 简洁、凝练,主旨清晰,一气呵成,显示了创编者娴熟老道的编舞技Ij.

2. 任务:首都板分割为三个区域:战场(Battlefield)、国度(Kingdom)、任务(Quest). 国度区决定了你会获得多少资源,在这区中的每一点威力(Power,卡片上战鎚的符号)会转化为利润,让你可以购入部队与建筑物. 任务区提供新的卡片,

3. quest:query evaluation and search technique; 查询评估与搜寻技术

quest 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. (长期艰难的)追求,探索,寻找
    A quest is a long and difficult search for something.

    e.g. My quest for a better bank continues.
    e.g. ...his quest to find true love...

quest 单语例句

1. quest是什么意思

1. The village has 151 wells dug by hand by several generations over a hundred years in the quest for water.

2. The quest for profit by hook or by crook has poisoned the social atmosphere.

3. Cabinet members are being urged to lead by example in the country's quest to increase energy efficiency and control carbon emissions.

4. His duet with Celine Dion in " The Prayer " for the movie " Quest for Camelot " was another milestone.

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5. The zone is the epitome of Hangzhou's ongoing quest to carve a new path to prosperity without putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

6. Well, this is unexpected - a comic book about the quest for logical certainty in mathematics.

7. Together they check out the guys in quest for a great love.


8. Former London police chief Lord Stevens and his Quest team examined 362 transfer deals, clearing all but 17 of them.

9. Chile's President Michelle Bachelet recently defined that there are three challenges that must come first in any equation in all nations'quest for development.

10. quest在线翻译

10. Jordan's success means he remains just one climb away from his overall quest of reaching the highest peaks on all seven continents.

quest 英英释义


1. the act of searching for something

    e.g. a quest for diamonds

    Synonym: seeking


2. a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria

    e.g. the pursuit of love
           life is more than the pursuance of fame
           a quest for wealth

    Synonym: pursuit pursuance


1. express the need or desire for
    ask for

    e.g. She requested an extra bed in her room
           She called for room service

    Synonym: request bespeak call for

2. seek alms, as for religious purposes

3. bark with prolonged noises, of dogs

    Synonym: bay

4. search the trail of (game)

    e.g. The dog went off and quested

5. make a search (for)

    e.g. Things that die with their eyes open and questing
           The animal came questing through the forest