
quicken [ˈkwɪkən]  [ˈkwɪkən] 






quicken 基本解释


及物/不及物动词(使)变快; 增速; 鼓舞; 使复活

及物动词苏醒; 使有生机

quicken 网络解释

1. 加快:常用的方法有以下几种:使用对收据分类的档夹、或者金融软体,如杰出(Excel)、加快(Quicken)、会计簿(QuickBooks)以及微软小商业财务软件(Microsoft Small Business Accounting)等.

2. 锐折;加速:quicken the flare 船首外倾 | quicken 锐折;加速 | quicken 加快

3. 加快 vi.加快:quickly 快,迅速 | quicken 加快 vi.加快 | quiet 寂静的;安静的

quicken 词典解释

1. quicken的意思

1. (使)加快;(使)加速;(使)变快
    If something quickens or if you quicken it, it becomes faster or moves at a greater speed.

    e.g. Ainslie's pulse quickened in alarm...
    e.g. He quickened his pace a little.

quicken 单语例句

1. The city wants to quicken its steps towards the international shipping and logistics hub by virtue of the collaboration.

2. The CSRC will quicken its steps to promote the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors scheme, which allows foreign asset managers to invest in the Chinese capital markets.

3. From this year, the organizer will quicken its pace to expand the number of chain stores.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. She is a risk addict, thriving on danger and needing to take greater and greater risks to quicken her pulse.

5. quicken

5. Some analysts say that there may be a need to open the domestic commodity futures market to quicken the pace of globalization.

6. Giving workers regular and steady pay rises will sharpen companies'competitiveness and quicken economic growth, a senior official said yesterday.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. The agreement came after China's announcement early this month that it would encourage mergers and acquisitions in the rare earth sector to quicken industry consolidation.

8. quicken的翻译

8. Participating countries should demonstrate their utmost sincerity and quicken negotiations if the Mexico conference is to generate more results than last year's Copenhagen summit.

9. The rising cost of energy and food has sparked concern inflation will quicken, preventing central banks from reducing rates to revive economic growth.

10. SAS has also decided to quicken its pace in the market, and its established presence in China should be advantageous.

quicken 英英释义



1. quicken的意思

1. give new life or energy to

    e.g. A hot soup will revive me
           This will renovate my spirits
           This treatment repaired my health

    Synonym: animate recreate reanimate revive renovate repair vivify revivify

2. show signs of life

    e.g. the fetus quickened

3. move faster

    e.g. The car accelerated

    Synonym: accelerate speed up speed

4. give life or energy to

    e.g. The cold water invigorated him

    Synonym: invigorate

5. make keen or more acute

    e.g. whet my appetite

    Synonym: whet